Abuse Quotes | Sayings on Overcoming Trauma - Page 4

Abuse is not a secret that should be kept, it’s a crime that should be reported.


I am in an emotionally abusive relationship but I don’t know how to leave because he needs me.


Abuse is not a mistake, it’s a choice. And it’s a choice that can never be excused.


Abuse is abuse;;; Be nice.. Harsh words don’t break bones but they often break hearts


People can be cruel, and they will be. People can hurt you, break your heart and they will. But only you can let them keep hurting you…


It’s like one day you flipped a switch and became someone I never knew.


Losing yourself in loving another can make you forget that you’re special too.


Do not sit back and take it. Pack your things and leave.


Don’t let others define you or they might pick the worst word in the dictionary.


Push me away, if you don’t feel like you can be faithful, pull me close, if I’m the one you can’t leave without, hold me tight, I wanna stay in your arms, let me go, if all you have to offer is sorrow.


Do you feel alone in your relationship? Abusers isolate their partner from friends and family, and make them dependent financially, socially, and physically.


Forgive those who insult you, attack you, belittle you or take you for granted, but more than this… forgive yourself for allowing them to hurt you.


More than 90 percent of all the prisoners in our American prisons have been abused as children.


Instead of treating your child like how you were treated. Treat them with the same love and attention you wanted from your parents while growing up.


A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dream, or your dignity.


The scars from mental cruelty can be as deep and long-lasting as wounds from punches or slaps but are often not as obvious. In fact, even among women who have experienced violence from a partner, half or more report that the man’s emotional abuse is what is causing them the greatest harm.
– Lundy Bancroft


Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser doesn’t play fair. Abusers use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb. Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you.


One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.


It’s better to live at the corner of the rooftop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome woman.


Find the strength inside yourself to value your own worth more than staying with someone who only keeps you down.


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