Haruki Murakami Quotes

Japanese writer

Knowledge and ability were tools, not things to show off.
– Haruki Murakami


Loneliness becomes an acid that eats away at you.
– Haruki Murakami


Why do people have to be this lonely? What’s the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?
– Haruki Murakami


Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.
– Haruki Murakami


If you can love someone with your whole heart, even one person, then there’s salvation in life. Even if you can’t get together with that person.
– Haruki Murakami


Two people can sleep in the same bed and still be alone when they close their eyes.
– Haruki Murakami


A deserted library in the morning – there’s something about it that really gets to me. All possible words and ideas are there, resting peacefully.
– Haruki Murakami


Have your dream…What you need now more than anything is discipline. Cast off mere words. Words turn into stone.
– Haruki Murakami


Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.
– Haruki Murakami


In this world, there are things you can only do alone, and things you can only do with somebody else. It’s important to combine the two in just the right amount.
– Haruki Murakami


But you know Hajime, some feelings cause us pain because they remain.
– Haruki Murakami


If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.
– Haruki Murakami


“What happens when people open their hearts?”
“They get better.”
– Haruki Murakami


People’s memories are maybe the fuel they burn to stay alive.
– Haruki Murakami


Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it’s time for them to be hurt.
– Haruki Murakami


Listen up – there’s no war that will end all wars.
– Haruki Murakami


Violence does not always take visible form, and not all wounds gush blood.
– Haruki Murakami


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