Depression Quotes | Unveiling the Pain | Silent Battles - Page 6

When depressed and angry, a friend would always cheer you up and brighten up your mind.


Grief is depression in proportion to circumstance; depression is grief out of proportion to circumstance.
– Andrew Solomon


Concern should drive us into action and not into depression.


Depression is being mentally scared for the rest of the life. Because wounds eventually scar and leave a mark.


I can’t even whisper the “D” word let alone explain how badly I suffer.


Even when I’m sick and depressed, I love life.


Don’t spend your life being depressed by it. As long as you’re alive you should be thankful. There are so many people that have it worse than you, don’t spend your life being ignorant to that.


Depression is when you wake up and all you can think about is going back to sleep. Forever. You numb your pain or distract yourself by drinking, cutting, medication, drugs, etc.


Sadness misses happiness not here; depression discounts happiness that is.
– Alan Robert Neal


Toxins consumed by people on a daily basis: sugar, vegetable oils, TV, excessive/indiscriminate social media, “socialization”, hurriedness, political and celebrity gossip, news, “friends”, social approval/validation.
– The Ancient Sage


To keep my mind occupied when I can’t sleep. Some people count sheep. I self-loathe.
– Rainbow Rowell


Depression is like an ocean, it covers 70 percent of the earth and that extra 30 percent is just broken places.


Ever time you are feeling depressed, think only of all those who love you for who you are and think of the joy you bring to them!


Why are depression and anxiety on the rise? Because modern society is designed to make you anxious and depressed. Garbage food, sedentary lifestyle, cubicle work, social media, toxic politics, hookup culture, loss of religion, decline of family, drugs, consumerism.
– Zuby


Only stepping out of old ruts will bring new insights.
– Andy Grove


Most symptoms of depression and anxiety are due to: GMO food, no exercise, sitting all day, disconnect with nature, gossiping, no ambition, lack of sunlight, toxic relationships, victim hood mentality, pleasure seeking. There’s no medication to cure this.
– Ralph Napolitano


The scientific evidence is clear that exercise significantly reduces depression and anxiety.
– Johann Hari


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