Quotes for your Facebook Status | Status Update Gems - Page 8

School Supplies: 1) Cellphone. 2) Charger 3) Headphones 4) iPod 5) Snacks 6) Homework that I copied 7) Money


Smile for me … Go ahead … Keep on smiling … Hmmm hmm you’re not too far from the stupidity line !!!!


If you’re trying to stay outta trouble, don’t talk to me.


I’ll change my gender to ‘female’ and my name to ‘Linda’. So when I post an update, people will rush to like them.


…of course take your time…not mine.
I am on a seefood diet …I see it ..I eat it. * BURP*
…read this 3 times with your hands on the screen …and you will be healed. ( Now send me money)


Yeah I got nothing at this point. Updates to follow.


Facebook should have a love button.


Next Invite or App, you’re getting blocked/deleted and marked as spam!


The question isn’t ‘what do we want to know about people?’, It’s,’What do people want to tell about themselves?
– Mark Zuckerberg


Dear Facebook, you should have a “I disagree” button & a dislike button.


Wouldn’t be much better if Facebook had “please reply to your inbox messages, or your Facebook account will be terminated”.


I’m quitting facebook to face my books…


Noticed a friend’s Facebook status said that he was suicidal and thinking about jumping off of a bridge. So I poked him. April Fools!


Facebook status is inversely proportional to social status.


Ntsakzin and 49 other friends have removed you from their friend list.


Truth be told, if you say you are not an objector, you are ranged against democracy. If you have a different point of view, say you are a dissenter. Post ten things on Facebook daily and say openly, ‘Yes, I have a difference of opinion.’ Being an objector is no crime.
– Ravish Kumar


Not to worry, I have been subdued and carted off for observation!


Facebook annoys me. The statuses. The pictures. Everyone’s trying to get so many likes..and I’m starting to hate myself too. Why do I have to have people like my stuff or me to feel they like me.. Like, am I the only one?


I said to my husband, “I don’t hear many men boo- hoo’ing about gaining weight” & he said, “We just go buy bigger pants.”


Facebook should have a ‘dislike’ button…I’d be going down my crushes/girlfriends page saying “dislike, dislike, dislike”.


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