Friendship Quotes | Capturing the Essence of True Friends - Page 17

Friends don’t die for you. They live for you.


Never mix business and friendship.


Friends who say “We will be friends forever” will have their disagreements and fights, then they may not speak to each other for quite some time. But in the end they are still the best friends.


Best way to sleep is to have a giggle fest until 2 am then pass out laughing.


A dedicated friend, is someone who spends every waking moment trying to prove her worthiness but it takes courage to be just as dedicated and listen to her.


When your friend makes a mistake, don’t get angry remember all of the good things they have done for you.


Why do we need a friend when we have so many relatives around to take care of us?
A wise man said:
Air is everywhere but we still need a fan to feel it.


People have different ways of showing thier friendship. But the best thing to do is to be contented. Stop measuring and stop comparing. Because friendship is always equal as long as it real.


Friendship must never be buried under the weight of misunderstanding.


Friendship is equality. Your friends are not those whom you follow nor those that follow you, but those that walk beside you as equals.


I haven’t had a true friend in my life until I met you, I used to think I have many.


Friendship comes with an invisible contract. Expectations to follow the unwritten laws alongside a code of conduct only known by true friends: a responsibility that should be willingly embraced.


A friend is a person who thinks you are a whole egg, even though you are half cracked.


A true friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today, just the way you are.


True friends are rare like gold dust, false friends are everywhere and hard to trust.


Some days I just feel like shutting myself down from the world. Thinking that life would be easier that way. But then I think to myself, “No that’s not right” because that what gives me joy what gives me happiness in my life are the people that are in it. The people that I call my friends because without them I would be nothing. I would have nothing to live for. It was they who cared for me and they that understood me because I learned a long time ago that many don’t.


Friends are like a rainbow. They brighten up your life when you’ve gone through a storm.


If you have crazy friends, you have everything.


If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you’re okay. Who watches out or you and wants the best for you. Who loves and respects you. Don’t let them go. People like that are hard to find.


Friends are not people that say that they are your friends and then go and stab you in the back by doing something nasty or saying something nasty and starting fights and bringing you in to it when you don’t know nothing about it.
Friends are supposed to be people you can trust never to hurt you in any way. Friends are people that will pick you up when you are down and make you feel better. Friends are people that will never let you down. Friends are people that are always by your side when you need them the most. Friends are people that keep in contact with you every so often. Friends are people that will always be in your heart. Friends are people that will not just walk away without saying goodbye.


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