Friendship Quotes | Capturing the Essence of True Friends - Page 22

Friendships are like flowers in the garden of life. You throw a few seeds onto the soil, water and nurture the spirit and encourage growth. You see the love and beauty in the petals and stems of sincerity. But always be prepared to remove the ‘weeds’.


In good times your friends know you, the rest of the time you know your friends.


No you’re not my friend, you’re my other half.


There’ s no just a friendship between boy and a girl. It turns into higher state of friendship – love. But after the love you cannot come back to a simple friendship.


A true friend will tell you how bad you did and then make you feel better.


My best friend is nad !
A best friend is someone you can lay on there floor with for hours and look up at the clouds on the celling and say nothing but still laugh till there parents come in and make you take a drug test..


Friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
Friendship is not something you learn in school. If you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.


Cousins by chance, friends by choice.
– Proverb


A lover says : If anything happens to you I won’t be alive.
A friend says : Nothing will happen to you till I am alive.


Friends are those people who understands, love, care about, worries about, knows deeply each other.


The shortest way is walking with your friends.


A friend is like blood. Comes out when you’re wounded but you know it’s always there. :)


Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.
– Walter Winchell


All people in the world are your friends until you make them enemy. Have you not seen if ever you fell on the road, all people in the surroundings rush to make you stand up? Do you know them or do they know you?


True friend is when you can start the sentence and they can finish it.


Friends are like money, the more you make, the more problems you have.


I can’t forget the last of my college life the day we tried to hide our sadness to each other and try to laugh. And now when I recall all those memories it made me happy. And a smile appear in lips its a sad smile and remind the promise that we always said “best friend today tomorrow and forever”.


Never reject a friend, a good friend gives you happiness and a bad friend gives you experience.


A good friend is not suppose to make you do a wrong thing that he or she cannot even do.


Real friends make you alive when you are with them.


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