Future Quotes to Spark Your Vision | Future’s Wisdom - Page 3

He who invests in his future is always handsomely rewarded.
– Dr T.P.Chia


Do not waste time thinking of a better future.


The future is much like the present, only longer.
– Dan Quisenberry


It you have no mind about your future, your future will disappoint you.
– Dr T.P.Chia


If you waste your time, you waste yourself and your future, and you are likely to have an unhappy future.
– Dr T.P.Chia


The fruits of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.


You must take a real interest in your future. Your future is not in your hands, if you do not hold it with your heart.
– Dr T.P.Chia


A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.
– Albert Einstein


Life is all about the next step. Past is past, you cannot get it back. But if you want, you can live your future according to your imagination.
So, take your next step very carefully.


We know what we are, but know not what we may be.
– William Shakespeare


Your future is full of opportunities and possibilities. It is yours to create, to enjoy or to suffer.
– Dr T.P.Chia


If you have no mind about your future, it is likely to run wild and become uncontrollable.
– Dr T.P.Chia


The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
– Malcolm X


If you are determined to create a shining future with all your heart, it is unlikely that you will be defeated.
– Dr T.P.Chia


If you are victimized by a negative character, which is characterized by laziness, irresponsibility, low self-esteem, irresolution and wavering, you will lose control of your future.
– Dr T.P.Chia


Why didn’t I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.
– Jonathan Safran Foer


You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.


Always imagine your future, cause it gives a motivation to do the things, and also dream about your future as you want it, and make it happen!


Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.
– Percy Bysshe Shelley


Smile to the future and it will smile back to you.
– Yoko Ono


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