Hard Work Quotes | Hustle Sayings | Sweat, Strive, Succeed - Page 6

There are no hard things that can’t be accomplished if you keep working on it.


I have an attitude because I have earned it.


My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition.
– Indira Gandhi


You don’t control the mountain, only the climb.
– Shane Parrish


The secret of staying one step ahead of others is laying the hard- work bricks unstoppably one over another.


Don’t be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams.
– Dwayne Johnson


Work is really hard, if it’s not hard it’s no longer work, it’s leisure.


Work hard. Have fun. Make a difference.


Study hard. Work hard. Play harder. Don’t be bound by rules, don’t hurt anybody and never ever live somebody else’s dream.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.
– Michael Jordan


Limitless is your potential. Magnificent is your future.
– Gordon B. Hinckley


Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.


Something I try to teach the kids is the idea of one more.
One more rep.
One more step.
One more minute.
One more revision.
One more practice test.
The difference between average and outstanding is often just one more.
– Shane Parrish


If I’d had some set idea of a finish line, don’t you think I would have crossed it years ago?
– Bill Gates


Working hard matters but working on the right things matters even more.
– Shane Parrish


If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.
– Michael Jordan


The very desire to find shortcuts makes you eminently unsuited for any kind of mastery.
– Robert Greene


You can’t underestimate a person who always works hard. Be that person. In life, you don’t get what you wish for; you get what you work for.


A person you wish to be like today was once a nobody like you, so you too can do it as well. Just never forget that if you want to bear fruits you have to be patient, confident, determined, ambitious and work hard.


The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.
– Harry Golden


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