Justice Quotes | Sayings Reflecting the Essence of Justice - Page 5

It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.
– Earl Warren


Great is the issue at stake, greater than appears, whether a man is to be good or bad. And what will any one be profited if, under the influence of money or power, he neglect justice and virtue?
– Plato


Generosity is the flower of justice.
– Nathaniel Hawthorne


Justice is my being allowed to do whatever I like. Injustice is whatever prevents my doing so.


The first requisite of civilization is that of justice.
– Sigmund Freud


Justice is the truth in action.
– Joseph Joubert


As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.
– John Stuart Mill


My heart aches deeply at the slightest sight of injustice. I want equal justice for everyone regardless of their status or position in the world.
– Terry Mark


Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men.
– George Bernard Shaw


Justice is blind, she doesn’t turn a blind eye.


Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.
– Cornel West


All the time I feel I must justify my existence.
– Prince Charles


Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe.
– Edmund Burke


I knew that the moment the great governing spirit strikes the blow to divide all humanity into just two opposing factions, I would be on the side of the common people.
– Che Guevara


Injustice all around is justice


I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice.
– Albert Camus


Man is unjust, but God is just; and finally justice triumphs.
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


It is not a Justice System. It is just a system.
– Bob Enyart


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