A Broken Future

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Johnny you will always be my soul mate
You were more than just a one time date
I thought you would be my one and only
without you in my life I am very lonely.

The devil separated us, by filling you with lust
You broke our trust, with me trust has to be a must,
I loved you so, more than you will ever know
You were not just my man, you were my best friend,
and my love, you were my right hand.

I don’t understand why you stopped loving me
Our future, or family was just not to be
You broke my heart into so many pieces and parts
How could you destroy me so much
But that’s okay Mr.Futch.

I’ve always wanted to just to give you my loving touch
I put my faith in you, and all you did was made me look like a fool.
Well Futch, we are over and done,
for us after thirteen years there is no more us, family,or fun.


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