Broken Heart

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In anger, yearning, indignation
Wounded in my soul,
I have no life……..Struggle…. for her,
Alone I live, but what a life !…..
O, what a bitter life it is !
How Stingily she measures out the air of me
Less generous than to a mortal foe
Oh, drawing breath is diffcult and painful,
I can still breathe, but i can live no more
In this fateful hours of Mine –
While she feast upon the majestic life
and drank immortal life
Here at a meagre heart
Disrup the lifeless, eerie hush
Soul declines to sing in chorus?
The blood may thin within Veins
Hold back Hold back, O dying day
Or chance upon a radiant dream !…..
To catch the sent of blooming lilac
But life…. life slowly ebbs….. I can’t wardoff death.


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