Flickering Light

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Emotions high, the mind of a jetsetter,
I close my eyes and allow myself be lost in my agonizing thoughts.
I am taken to a place where my fallacious nightmares are in fact my reality.
A place where my suffering and affliction are so raw, so fresh they cease to fade away.
A deep breath takes me to a place of tranquility and harmony.
For just a split second I am freed from these dreary memories.
For just a split second my heart is no longer suffocated by these weakening facts.
For just a split second my mind is no longer clouded with these painful repetitive images. Slowly losing the control I have to stay in this bliss I desperately crave,
I am cast back into the inferno I briefly escaped.
What has become of me? I am lost, just lost.
Like a roaming spirit waiting to move on.
I am trapped in my own personal purgatory.
No one can save me.
Not even you.
I no longer have an identity, no beaming life.
I wait, wait anxiously to escape again for just a second.
I eagerly wait for someone to put out my unstable burning flame like the flickering light that I am.


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