Single Mom Quotes | Sayings About Being A Single Mother

Single parent mothers who aren’t spending their time looking for a man but spending their time providing for their children are the most admirable people on earth.


Raising a child alone may be difficult, but it’s also the ultimate test of a mother’s strength and resilience.


My entire life can be described in one sentence: I didn’t go as planned, and that’s ok.
– Rachel Wolchin


Single mothers are warriors, they fight every day to provide love, security, and a better future for their children.


Single parents who trust in God are not raising their children alone


As a single mom you have to play the roles of both a mother as well as a father. This is the most difficult aspect of being a single mom apart from the financial challenges. You have to pamper your precious children as a mother and also scold them like a father when they go wrong.


Its hard growing up without a father, but its easy when you have a fantastic mother who plays both roles.


Happy father’s day to all the single moms pulling double duty.


Being a single parent is twice the work, twice the stress and twice the tears but also twice the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride.


Always remember that by being a single mother, you have chosen to live a life that is first dedicated to your children and then to you. You could have had it easy too, but you decided to be there for your children, so be proud of it.


Pride yourself in being a single, independent woman and a single mother who can take care of her life, her children, her career and her entire home on her own.


Single working moms are teaching their kids a solid work ethic; you’re teaching them that we don’t just have things handed to us, and have to work for the things we want.


Being a single mother is not just a title, it’s a badge of honour that you wear with pride.


A single mother’s journey may be difficult, but it is also a beautiful and rewarding one.


Being a single mother takes a strength that you didn’t know you had, and a love that you didn’t know existed.


Happy Mother’s Day to all the single moms that are being both the mother and father to their kids.


Love yourself, be proud of yourself, and face each day with that awesome smile and determination that you have.


I know its hard being a single mother but I’d rather do it by myself than with someone who doesn’t want to.


To make sure that your children are happy, you have the responsibility of being happy. That is what your children will learn from you when they see what a happy and positive person their mother is.


A single mother’s love knows no bounds, it is the purest and most selfless love of all.


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