Inspiring Soccer Quotes | The Beautiful Game in Words - Page 6

Soccer or hockey?… If you say hockey go die


All work and no soccer makes everybody a dull person.


Life without soccer…Isn’t worth living!


We have the balls to score on your turf!


I am not one of those girls who goes shopping, worries about my makeup 24/7, and cares about others opinions. I am one of the girls who likes getting dirty, likes playing her game, and loves playing the game I fell I love with as a little girl.
I am a goalie, I play my game.


Soccer isn’t about winning or losing,
it’s about playing the sport you love.


If there was no soccer in the world id rather die than to live without soccer


To who ever wrote “Girls weren’t built to play soccer but to watch it.”
You must be so scared of the females that play soccer.
You are one of those boys who have never played a girl and are to scared to because you know you will get beat…BAD.

Do more than everyone else, practice harder then you do in games,so you won’t play as hard in games it will just come.
Good soccer players practice until they get something right a few times.
Great soccer players practice it until they get it perfect.
The best soccer players practice until they get it right every time and then some just to make sure they have it.


If you dread going to practice, but just like to say your on the team, your not a true soccer player. Save the spot for someone with a passion to play.


If you play for the name on the front of the jersey. They’ll remember the name on the back.


Practice like you play.


Some are born great, some achive greatness and some have greatness thurst upon them. – Shes The Man


When you are is always waiting!!


I Only Play Soccer On Days That End In “Y”


If you work hard you won’t only be hard, but be hard to beat!!!


Pain is temporary, but winning is forever! <3 soccer <3.


Its the love of the game that wakes me up in the morning saying girrl get back out there and do even better!!


Soccer does not end in the winter it does not end when you grow old it does not end till you do.


Every win, every loss, every tie, every shutout, no matter what, it all counts.


Sweat is weakness leaving the body.


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