American author, philosopher
When you select the “It’s just who I am” rationalization to excuse a stupid action, then who you are is an idiot. – Alan Robert Neal
It’s a fool’s errand to water down the definition of normal (so that everyone feels included) while simultaneously proclaiming you’re special (just because you’re deluded). – Alan Robert Neal
Sadness misses happiness not here; depression discounts happiness that is. – Alan Robert Neal
The problem with acting as your own advisor is that you’re often seeking advice from the person who created the problem. – Alan Robert Neal
The benefit of choosing self-responsibility, over blaming someone else, is that you have an in with the person who can do something about it. – Alan Robert Neal
Harsh judgment of others conceals a harsher indictment of ourselves. – Alan Robert Neal
Your choices have more consequences than your impulses. – Alan Robert Neal
Three problems with trying to be perfect: It’s unachievable; it won’t retroactively resolve your childhood issues; and, everyone resents “perfect” people. – Alan Robert Neal
Love is a sensation – hatred an opinion. – Alan Robert Neal
Whenever someone puts you in a position of having to initiate a conversation they should have initiated, whatever criticisms they have about what you should have said, or how you should have said it, are irrelevant. – Alan Robert Neal
He was bright enough to be clever but too undisciplined to be intelligent. – Alan Robert Neal
The behavior you choose when denied what you want could be the reason you’re not getting what you want. – Alan Robert Neal
The greater your number of self-congratulations, the lower the number of people who agree with you. – Alan Robert Neal
My number one commitment to my close friends is to offer the truth as best as I can perceive it and as best as I can convey it. I owe this at the cost of the friendship, itself, because a friend is more important than a friendship. – Alan Robert Neal
Every single time I have seen an entitled person welsh on a commitment, their excuse, verbalized or not, is that the provider didn’t give them enough. – Alan Robert Neal
It’s ironic that we want to dismiss or hide our pain, given that our deepest relationships are bonded by it. – Alan Robert Neal
If you only want advice with which you agree, go to yourself. – Alan Robert Neal
The thing about paying your dues is that you’re not the one who sets the price. – Alan Robert Neal
Complainers never realize or admit that no matter how bad it is for them, it’s even worse for their audience. – Alan Robert Neal
Preconceived notions are like dark sunglasses worn indoors. You see just enough to detect big shapes, and not enough to discern crucial details. – Alan Robert Neal
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