Steve Maraboli Quotes - Page 3

Internet radio commentator, motivational speaker and author

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.
– Steve Maraboli


Be happy with who you are and what you do, and you can do anything you want.
– Steve Maraboli


You are beautiful. Know this. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply lying. You are beautiful.
– Steve Maraboli


Give freely to the world these gifts of love and compassion. Do not concern yourself with how much you receive in return, just know in your heart it will be returned.
– Steve Maraboli


Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it.
– Steve Maraboli


Those who have the ability to be grateful are the ones who have the ability to achieve greatness.
– Steve Maraboli


If you have a goal, write it down. If you do not write it down, you do not have a goal – you have a wish.
– Steve Maraboli


It doesn’t matter what you did or where you were…it matters where you are and what you’re doing. Get out there! Sing the song in your heart and NEVER let anyone shut you up!!
– Steve Maraboli


Simplify your life. You don’t grow spiritual, you shrink spiritual.
– Steve Maraboli


Live your vision and demand your success.
– Steve Maraboli


We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.
– Steve Maraboli


Your agreement with reality defines your life.
– Steve Maraboli


Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness… but only when you pay your taxes? That means your freedom is rented, leased, & not unalienable.
– Steve Maraboli


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