Being Fat Quotes | Beyond the Scale | Quotes about Obesity - Page 5

Sex appeal is fifty percent what you’ve got and fifty percent what people think you’ve got.
– Sophia Loren


I never got how fat people could make fun of other people…for being fat.


I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict.


Want the most simple cure for childhood obesity? Ice cream trucks that don’t stop.


Carrying extra weight not only harms your physical well-being, but also puts a strain on your mental and emotional health.


What do you get if you deep fry Santa Claus?
A: Crisp Cringle.


There are worse things than being fat, and one of them is worrying about it all the time


Every day the fat woman dies a series of small deaths.


How does one control weight? By not overeating. How does one stay in shape? One plays sports. There are no magic pills here.
– Vladimir Putin


You are not a mistake. Your body is not a mistake. There is no such thing as a mistake when it comes to how you look.


Body love is about self-worth in general. It’s more than our physical appearance.


Fatness is not a sign of self-control, it is a marker of poor health and a call to action to take care of our bodies and our health.


Being overweight myself, if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s other fat people who let their bellies hang out…


A recent survey or North American males found 42% were overweight, 34% were critically obese and 8% ate the survey.


Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed of your body. You are beautiful and worthy of love, no matter what your size.


I have gained and lost the same ten pounds so many times over and over again my cellulite must have déjà vu.


Obesity is a disease.

Is it a disease?

Yes, a mouth disease!!!


You know who they’re blaming for global warming now? This is true. Fat people.


The rise of childhood obesity has placed the health of an entire generation at risk.


Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.


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