Blessing Quotes | Quotes for Counting Your Blessings

That best of blessings, a contented mind


I just find myself happy with the simple things. Appreciating the blessings God gave me.


May you live as long as you want but never want as long you live.


One of the greatest titles in the world is parent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad.
– Jim DeMint


Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.
– Publilius Syrus


Each time we cooperate with God, we take one more giant step forward. Because when God asks us to change, it means that He always has something better to give us – more freedom, greater joy, and greater blessings.
– Joyce Meyer


God’s blessings go far beyond anything we could ever dream.


Every day I wake up and I lay in bed counting my blessings and saying my prayers for how fortunate I am to have great fans and health and family.
– Luke Bryan


Sometimes we don’t realize the blessings we have until we no longer have them. Appreciate all the blessings in your life, take none for granted.
– Catherine Pulsifer


Blessed is the man who gets the opportunity to devote his life to something bigger than himself and who finds himself surrounded by friends who share his passion.
– Andy Stanley


Cherish what you have because not all people are blessed with the things that you are enjoying.
– Faith Starr


Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.
– Lovelle Drachman


Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.
– Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


I cried because I had no Shoes…….
Till I saw a man with no feet………
Life is full of blessings …….
Sometimes we are just too blind …..
To see them…..


God will either give you what you ask, or something far better.
– Robert Murray McCheyne


Don’t just count your blessings. Be the blessing other people count on.


It is God’s will to bless us, but not necessarily on our terms. Sometimes what we think would be a wonderful blessing would not bless us at all.
– Joyce Meyers


Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.
– Joseph Addison


When I count other people’s blessings I lose sight of mine


The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.


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