Confidence Quotes | Quotes that Celebrate Confidence - Page 5

I have my own theory: ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the more confident you can be in tackling things.
– Stephen Richards


Confidence is the gateway to acceptance in leadership.
A confident man is always in control of circumstances his charisma will always cause dread to his enemies.
A man of confidence will be trusted because he first trusts in his ability.


You can’t be crowned if you don’t act like a king and have qualities of a king inside you.


I will continue to “Flow with fluid motion”. Paddling forward always through life. Any difficult whitewater ahead. I will navigate through with confidence and peace.


Confidence breeds success and success breeds confidence. Confidence applied properly surpasses genius.
– Mike Tyson


Confidence is the only outfit you can’t buy.


Confidence is your personal identity, if you don’t have it then you’re definitely lost and unknown.


Confidence is a fine trait. Over-confidence isn’t.
– Laurell K. Hamilton


Confidence brings meaning to what we do!


Confidence produces new growth in any soil and climate. Arrogance clings to existing branches and finite conditions.
– Alan Robert Neal


Confidence is key, door, and lock.


Confidence smiles. Arrogance smirks.


Confidence is life, if you don’t have it life will overrule you.


Confidence is freedom.


Sometimes, some lies that spoken with high confidence could be more receptive than facts that spoken with doubt.
– Toba Beta


Every common man
Keeps confidence
But some peoples can
Show it and some
Cannot, success wants
To see your confidence.


Confidence is so accessible, yet many considerate it impossible to feel. When felt, your passion and purpose is revealed.


Run after your fears. Chase them. Make them shake. And dread the day you gained enough confidence to realize they were full of shit.
– Thibaut


I am in favour of one simple theory that the Almighty has blessed us with an equal degree of intelligence. No amount of intelligence, knowledge or talent can ever replace the supreme quality of self-confidence. It is the confidence that matters the most.
– Vijay Mallya


Don’t be afraid to assert yourself, have confidence in your abilities and don’t let the bastards get you down.
– Michael Bloomberg


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