Reflective Death Quotes for Understanding Existence - Page 7

Every thought about death takes a moment of life away.


Each time we don’t say what we wanna say, we’re dying.
– Yoko Ono


Death is not the worst thing; rather, when one who craves death cannot attain even that wish.
– Sophocles


Life is doubt and faith without doubt is nothing but death.
– Miguel de Unamuno


If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the up button.
– Sam Levenson


As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.
– Leonardo Di Vinci


It’s true, I am afraid of dying. I am afraid of the world moving forward without me, of my absence going unnoticed, or worse, being some natural force propelling life on. Is it selfish? Am I such a bad person for dreaming of a world that ends when I do? I don’t mean the world ending with respect to me, but every set of eyes closing with mine.
– Jonathan Safran Foer


Death is a once in a lifetime experience.


It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.
– Marcus Aurelius


I’d rather face death as a surprise than die daily dreading my demise.
– Boghos L. Artinian


In this life, only one thing is certain and that is death.


Death is a doorway to God. We celebrate life and mourn death. Shouldn’t we reverse it?


Live or die. But don’t poison everything.
– Anne Sexton


Life is too short when you think of the length of death.
– Sean Mangan


A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
– Joseph Stalin


Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.
– David Searls


Death cannot stop true love. That’s why it’s pointless for me to try to murder all my adoring female fans.
– Jarod Kintz


It seemed to me that everyone knows they will die one day. My feeling was nobody can stop death; it doesn’t matter if it comes from a Talib or cancer. So I should do whatever I want to do.
– Malala Yousafzai


As I love the name of honour more than I fear death.
– William Shakespeare


Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.
– Helen Keller


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