Enemy Quotes | Sayings about Adversaries | Rising Above Foes - Page 2

You will never know who your enemies are till the moment you are unexpectedly hurt deeply from them..


Our enemies do not fear us, they fear what we can become, they fear what we take for granted, our potential.


If you become friends with your enemies what is stopping them from stabbing your back
These days even the trustworthy can’t be trusted
Friends are enemies with different titles
When things get tough your friends flee, but your enemies are always there
At least you know where you enemy stands
The worst enemy is a friendship crossed
There is a thin line between an enemy and a friend


If you’re not making enemies, you are either doing something wrong or you are not doing anything at all.


To have an enemy is to be a person.


Enemies are but jealous people who secretly wish they could be you.


You are my enemy, as I am yours, but even enemies can show respect.


Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


You talk to your friends about everything,
you say how much you hate that one person,
but sooner or later you’ll notice how much
you guys are the same


Never show your weakness, for it can make your enemies more powerful than they already are.


“They say you are judged by the strength of your enemies.”
– James Bond


My enemies are my coach, the teach me how to be strong and wise.


The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.
– Marcus Aurelius


“Never hate your enemy, it clouds your judgement”
– Don Corleone


Is your life so boring that you have to worry about mine!?


It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
– William Blake


Your closest friend can be your weakness, power, or, in some cases, your worst enemy.

Just because you can spell enemy’s name, doesn’t mean you know your enemy.


You have enemies that’s right. Most of them strain the leash to bring you down by attacking you with your weaknesses. Majority of them think that they have won but after a short chunk of time you move way ahead of them since what they focused much was to bring you down bit on the other hand you strived to get up and move ahead and focused solely on your very own life. This is what I have come to learn;
“That the favor of God will make those who hate you bow to you one day”.


I have loved you, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be my enemy.


Never sink into your enemy’s level. Just smile and nod, it drives them insane.


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