Quotes about feelings | Sayings on Sensitivity, Empathy - Page 4

Feelings are never permanent. Maybe you love that person today. Maybe you will hate that person tomorrow. You can never tell how much a person means to you unless that person is gone. Remember: the end justifies the means. So take care of the people who love you so much.


I did not like this feeling of having feelings.
– Jeff Lindsay


There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music.
– George Eliot


Real elation is when you feel you could touch a star without standing on tiptoe.
– Doug Larson


Our truest feelings are revealed in our weakest moments.


We cultivate our feelings the way we cultivate a garden: we can’t entirely prevent weeds from coming up, but we can take care to remove them before they do much harm.
– Phillip Cary


Whatever you do, you should do it with feeling.
– Yogi Berra


Pardon the hurt others have caused you. What they did is past. What is bothering today are your current feelings that comes from this load. Let it go.
– Chetan Bhagat


People who keep their feelings to themselves tend not to know, after a while, what their feelings are.
– Paul Berman


Feelings are like the tides in the ocean developed by the gravitational force of the beautiful moon in your heart.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar


There is a boundary to men’s passions when they act from feelings; but none when they are under the influence of imagination.
– Edmund Burke


The police feel that most of the public are against them and that there is a lot of bad feeling.
– Peter James


When I write, I make discoveries about my feelings.
– Gail Carson Levine


Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.
– John Wooden


A feeling is no longer the same when it comes the second time. It dies through the awareness of its return. We become tired and weary of our feelings when they come too often and last too long.
– Pascal Mercier


It’s often just enough to be with someone. I don’t need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You’re not alone.
– Marilyn Monroe


It’s not sissy to show your feeling.
– Princess Diana


Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that is what you feel.
– T.S. Eliot


I feel too much. That’s what’s going on.’ ‘Do you think one can feel too much? Or just feel in the wrong ways?’ ‘My insides don’t match up with my outsides.’ ‘Do anyone’s insides and outsides match up?’ ‘I don’t know. I’m only me.’ ‘Maybe that’s what a person’s personality is: the difference between the inside and outside.’ ‘But it’s worse for me.’ ‘I wonder if everyone thinks it’s worse for him.’ ‘Probably. But it really is worse for me.
– Jonathan Safran Foer


We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict.
– Jim Morrison


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