Life Quotes and Sayings | Phrases About Life | Lifestyle Quotes - Page 25

Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.
– Rachel Ann Nunes


Wishing things were different is a great way to torture yourself.


Life is like a bicycle, to keep my balance I must keep moving.


Life’s like a roller- coaster sometimes you go up, sometimes you go down, sometimes it even makes you sick, but the best part is you’ve enjoyed the ride.


We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
– Anais Nin


Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don’t even deserve to be an issue in your life.


Our own life is the instrument with which we experiment with the truth.
– Thich Nhat Hanh


Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
It is not enough to just say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. “My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.” Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is “T-i-m-e.”
– Rick Warren, The purpose driven life: What on earth am I here for?


LIfe is good;
dream big, laugh constantly, love uncontrolably, and be yourself.
what else can you do? have fun with life, no matter where it takes you.


Joy of life is doubled when the meaning of your life is acknowledged, shared and enjoyed by others.


Don’t fear tomorrow or regret the past, live what’s now and never look back.


What you believe is not nearly as important as you how you live your life.
– Dr T.P.Chia


Never compare your journey with someone else’s. Your journey is your journey, not a competition.


People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross.


Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.


So live your life as if everydays’ gon be your last…life is truly too short……


Sometimes you need to let people feel important by disliking you. It’s their little happiness.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Nobody ever lived a perfect life and nobody will ever do.


Life’s a climb… But the view is great.


All events are important in life but the art of living is more important than anything else. Enhance your inner values by feeling, believing with honest heart. Actions are the keys not the suggestions. Act fast in life and go with flow before it is too late, of course the change is a challenge but take it as the game of fun to live the life with nothing is impossible attitude.

Sanjiv Dogra – Toronto


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