Lost In Your Embrace

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I never knew I didn’t exist before you
You looked into my eyes and saw the real me
never judging, always there
you saw what others could not see.

I was more myself with you than ever
How did you “get me” so fast
I dreamed you would be mine one day
Even though it wasn’t meant to last.

We lived a fantasy lie, you and I
Others left waiting for us to return
Anything to spend a few stolen moments together
Forever etched in my heart those memories burn.

But time was never on our side it seemed
In my dreams I still see your handsome face
Always living for those magical moments
I was forever lost in your embrace.

I miss your sweet kisses baby every minute of the day
and the way you used to hold me so tight
I wish we never had to end our love affair
But breaking someones heart can never be right.


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