Practice makes perfect but then nobody is perfect so what’s the point of practicing?
Good players practice till’ they get it right…great players practice till’ they never get it wrong.
Practice perfect today, play like a champion tomorrow.
If practice makes perfect and no one is perfect, why practice?
Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. – Lao Tzu
Practice is The effort that makes winning possible.
Practice like you play.
It’s not how hard you practice when somebody is watching, it’s how hard you practice when nobody is watching.
Don’t practice until you get it, practice until you can’t get it wrong.
Never say “I can’t” because you can and you will it takes practice to make perfect.
Practice Hard, Play Hard, Be Hard To Beat.
You can’t be born a champion, you have to practice enough to become one.
In order to be good at something, you must practice at it. Life will not give it to you on a silver platter. Nor will God.
Why do we need to practice if there is nobody perfect in this world.
Practice does not make perfection…It makes improvement. Only God is perfect.
Practice Exceeds Talent.
There is always someone better than you at soccer, so get out there and practice.
We do not practice to be perfect we perfect what we practice.
Victory is next to practice.
I always say that practice gets you to the top most of the time. – David Beckham
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