Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself.
– Pythagoras
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While we may prefer roses over weeds, it doesn’t mean one is more sacred than the other; the Divine imbues itself equally in all living things, which includes each of us. What value shall we place on all that our eyes gaze upon today? Where might we begin the conscious practice of reverence? The ancient philosopher Pythagoras offers us the perfect place to start: “Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself.” In other words, above and beyond all appearances, opinions and circumstances, know there is a light, a sacred presence, within you. Recognize it, honor it, and revere it, and it will set you free to love the world. A spiritual experience awaits you in every moment of this day if you have eyes to see and it begins in the mirror. Reverence thyself first, remembering, as within — so without, and your life shall become the sacred journey you came here to have.