It’s all well and good making yourself feel better by analysing how bad he treated you. But, when you’ve treated him badly…
Begging him to love you again. There’s being heartbroken and there’s being the heart breaker. You hurt yourself more by hurting others.
Submitted by: ~ hannah ~
More Quotes
- Do you know what it’s like? To be heartbroken from all the pain you caused?...
- Being the person to end the relationship because he/she mistreated you is a hard thing...
- My heart was broken badly I cried for 4 hours straight and everything reminds me...
- When you were there for me, I was there for you. But now I think...
- You know you’re truly in love that when its over, it hurts. But the pain...
- The hardest part about us breaking up is letting go of the last piece of...
- A heart is not a playing thing, a heart is not a toy but if...
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