I’m sorry for everything I made you go through I now realize how much you really loved me But, I guess I realized way too late. . .
You know I try to be the best person I can be to you. I do everything for you, to help you, to make you happy but nothing I do is ever good enough for you. I’m sorry that there has to be something wrong with everything I do and you know what? you do all the same things to be but I am understandable and I don’t hold things against you like you do. You say you care but you don’t show it. I love you more than anyone ever could yet you act like I’m nothing when you say you love me too. You treat everyone else so amazing and do so much for them but why can’t you do those things for me, to the person who loves you the most. I’m sorry for not being the person you wanted, but I’m just being me and I’m not sorry for that because I want to live my life how I want it, and if trying doesn’t make you happy then I’ll stop trying. I’m just done with things.
An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything. – Lynn Johnston
Smart people always say sorry, while the stupid ones just wait for the smart one to say sorry.
Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past. – Tryon Edwards
I know that when you hurt someone so bad you just cannot say sorry,,,,,but all that matters is that it comes from the heart.
I may not be perfect but I’ve always tried, I’m sorry I can’t be the best, I’m sorry if I because of me you’ve cried. I never meant to be so annoying or ruin what we had, but because of everything I apparently did I’ve always made you mad, I sometimes felt the way you treated me wasn’t always fair, but I let it go because I always did care, but now I realize I you never cared too, so I guess I’m sorry and I’ll go cause I mean nothing to you.
Commonly these days.. Peoples don’t realize that they are using this word for apologizing. It has just become an habit.. We have lost the feelings of apology when we utter this word.. Said a bad word, say “Sorry” Hit someone say “Sorry”. Did not go on time say “Sorry” . Can’t help out someone when that person is asking for help say “Sorry” It has become like you give someone a tight slap without any reason and Say “I am sorry”. It has become an easy way out to run away from troubles caused by our mistakes… OK it’s not bad to say sorry . . . But then one should realize the true meaning of this word.. I was just thinking about this word what must it be meaning . . . May be it’s a combination of words together. . . So I put it this way. . . . Real mean of sorry. S- sincerely O- offering apology R- right from my heart R- realizing my mistake and truly apologizing to Y- you, with a promise to try not to commit that mistake again… I guess life has become too mechanical… We don’t even realize that in a day how many people we hurt…but then ya, we too are humans and humans do make mistakes…The only thing is that we must realize the true meaning of this word… That will help our heart to be at peace…!!
Sorry means you won’t do it again…so if you keep doing it again and again…you were never truly sorry in the first place.
If there is one thing that I have learned in my seventeen years in this world.. Its that there is no right way to say sorry. No matter how hard you try to explain why your sorry, its never enough. Actions, only actions can show how truly sorry you are.. I guess I was too late for either attepmt
I’m sorry I lied. I’m sorry I told the truth. I’m sorry that I’m not what you wanted. I’m sorry sorry isn’t always enough.
Brave people say sorry…cos they see and accept their mistakes.
Sorry means nothing without progress. If you failed to make any progress and you keep saying sorry, don’t even bother saying sorry. You’re better off keeping it to yourself.
Before you ask for forgiveness from others you must forgive yourself.
I love you. I am sorry for what I have done and the words I said. They were too harsh, if true. I am sorry, for the things that happened because of me, even though I never meant to hurt you. I am sorry you hate me now. But this changes little for me. Love never dies. And forever will I love you. So, be happy with him. I hope you love him and he loves you because how could I ever wish harm for someone I love? I will always love you
I really felt bad for hurting you by saying inappropriate words, I’m just being paranoid that’s all. Will you ever forgive me??? I have suffered enough and the agony that I’m feeling makes me long for you even more… Baby come back to me, I love you so much
Saying sorry only means you gave up on holding a grudge. If you say sorry to someone you can’t forgive…then your apology means nothing…they are only words…they are nothing more. If you apologize for something you didn’t do..Well then it does not mean much..Only that you want things to get better. So you try to fix them.
Yes I’ve hurt you a lot. Yes I made you cry. Yes I’ve been rude to you. Yes I’m the one who won your heart. Yes I’m the one who made you feel special. I have made mistakes and I apologize to you for all my mistakes. I’m sorry my baby. Don’t leave me alone in this world without you.
Sorry is only the beginning of being forgiven. Sorry does not mean anything until one proves himself, because actions will always speak louder than words.
Saying sorry means nothing if you keep on doing the same mistake over and over again!!!!
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