Judgement Quotes | Sayings About Judging People - Page 3

Never in your life judge by physical appearance but rather look deeper, analyze and conclude at the longer run because you might be deceived unknowingly.


You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by. It’s actions, not words, that matter.
– Nicholas Sparks


A lot of people are afraid of being happy because of what others might think.
– Rihanna


Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.
– Voltaire


Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
– Bible Proverb


Be curious, not judgmental.
– Walt Whitman


You only see what I chose to show.


People judge you because they don’t feel good about themselves.
– Mary Gaohlee Thao


It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery


A part will not always define a whole.


Don’t judge me by my glory until you have heard my story!


People are the best cameraman. They look at many angles when it comes to judge others mistake but look at the best angle when it comes to judging their own mistakes. Crazy people, crazy world.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar


The only person who acts sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measure anew every time he sees me. Everyone else goes by their old measurements.
– George Bernard Shaw


Never judge a thing until you know what’s inside it.


Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.
– Nelson Mandela


As human beings we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions; to judge people too quickly and to pronounce them failures or heroes without due consideration of the actual facts and ideals of the period.
– Prince Charles


Don’t judge me until you’ve met me, and don’t talk about me until you’ve actually talked to me.


Don’t ever try and judge me dude, you don’t know what the f*** I’ve been through.
– Eminem


Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.
– Colin Powell


Don’t judge me of who I am because you don’t know my whole personality, you just only know my name.


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