Animal Abuse Quotes | Sayings against Animal Cruelty - Page 3

We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words.
– Anna Sewell


Cruelty must be whitewashed by a moral excuse, and pretense of reluctance.
– George Bernard Shaw


He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
– Immanuel Kant


Wear your own skin.


The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.
– Alice Walker


Animal abuse is not just a crime against animals, it is a crime against humanity.


Animal are not just things, they are living beings that deserve love, respect and protection.


I began to wonder why we cuddle some animals and put a fork in others.
– Henry Spira


Take a picture not a trophy This is how real men shoot animals.
– Ricky Gervais


The question is not, “Can they reason?” nor, “Can they talk?” but rather, “Can they suffer?”
– Jeremy Bentham


No one in the world needs an elephant tusk but an elephant.
– Thomas Schmidt


Get a feel for fur: Slam your fingers in a car door.


The basis of all animal rights should be the Golden Rule: we should treat them as we would wish them to treat us, were any other species in our dominant position.
– Christine Stevens


Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar.
– Bradley Millar


The squirrel that you kill in jest, dies in earnest.
– Henry David Thoreau


Our treatment of animals will someday be considered barbarous. There cannot be perfect civilization until man realizes that the rights of every living creature are as sacred as his own.
– Dr. David Starr Jordan


We know we cannot be kind to animals until we stop exploiting them – exploiting animals in the name of science, exploiting animals in the name of sport, exploiting animals in the name of fashion, and yes, exploiting animals in the name of food.
– Cesar Chavez


Are you a carnivore? Keep a newborn lamb as a pet in your home for one year, then try to slaughter and eat it.
– Boghos L. Artinian


If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.
– St. Francis of Assisi


Every animal knows more than you do.
– Native American Proverb


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