Anthony Liccione Quotes - Page 2

American poet and author

When I was younger, I thought I was a bird at one time. Then they told me I can’t fly, so I stopped flying.
– Anthony Liccione


Sometimes the truth will hurt and a lie will set you free; just as a lie will hurt and the truth will set you free.
– Anthony Liccione


Love can either be your greatest companion or your worst enemy, depending on your pride to accept or deny things.
– Anthony Liccione.


Pain will come with time, but time will heal the pain.
– Anthony Liccione


A rose, isn’t quite as beautiful as it once was, when after its thorn pricks you.
– Anthony Liccione


Love is like a match to a wick. It takes that right combination to strike a flame. But once the flame is there, it can either give warmth, die out or burn your world to ashes. Even kill you. It’s how you sustain the flame, feed it, and moderate the amount of energy in balance.
– Anthony Liccione


If eyes are windows to the soul, then tears are heavens rain.”
– Anthony Liccione


It is better to tell the truth and face the punishment, than to lie and face the consequences.
– Anthony Liccione


A writer is nothing without a reader; a reader is nothing without a writer.
– Anthony Liccione


In the fire of an argument words are it’s fuel, choose your words wisely. If you throw in wood or paper, the fire will burn evenly then put itself out. But if you throw oil or gasoline, the fire will spread fiercely and unmanageable.
– Anthony Liccione


Which is more real, when you face reality, or when reality faces you?
– Anthony Liccione


Real friends, are really hard to come by.
– Anthony Liccione


Always remember, no matter how big you get in life, God is still bigger; when you feel to be at your lowest point, Satan is still at the bottom.- Anthony Liccione


Don’t let reality, get in way of your dreams.
– Anthony Liccione


Give all your pearls, and the swine will make a pearl necklace, then run off. Don’t show all your glory.
– Anthony Liccione


The heart fools the mind, where eyes went deaf to words, that fell on blinded ears to easy to fall in love.
– Anthony Liccione


The only fear that builds character, is the fear of God.
– Anthony Liccione


Trust is like a two-way mirror, transparent on one side, with a blind dimness unable to see through on the other side.
– Anthony Liccione


The new way has overtaken the old way, but the old knows not how to adapt to the instant technology and reformed psychology, so it begins to forget and stays forgotten.
– Anthony Liccione


A circle of friends, doesn’t always keep perfect relationships.”
– Anthony Liccione


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