Being Unappreciated Quotes | Feeling Unappreciated Quotes - Page 2

Give the gift of your absence to those who do not appreciate your presence .


Lonely is not a feeling when you are alone. Lonely is a feeling when no one cares.


I can put up with a lot in a relationship but being disrespected and unappreciated is a relationship killer every time.


If you don’t like where you are, move…you are not a tree.


Most of the people are only in our lives for THEIR benefit, as soon as your role is done, they move on to someone else like it’s nothing.


I can’t decide if I feel like I’m not good enough or unappreciated and that is a very weird place to be.


Im learning to apperciate everything & everyone…because the feeling of being unappreciated is horrible.


Staying with someone who doesn’t appreciate you isn’t loyalty, its stupidity.


Not just tired of being broken, I’m tired of living unappreciated.


Sometimes no matter how hard you try to be enough for someone, if that someone doesn’t feel contented having you, then they will still make you feel WORTHLESS.


When you are used to being unappreciated, you don’t know how to act when somebody actually starts to appreciate you…its like ‘is this real?’


I hate when you hit a certain level of being unappreciated and you finally notice it…then you don’t know what to do, stay or leave?


Tired of being taken for granted and unappreciated.


Loving the wrong person doesn’t mean you’re stupid. it was stupid of that person not to appreciate your love.


Go to where you’re appreciated, not where you’re tolerated.


Some won’t appreciate you no matter how much you do for them. Release yourself. Go where you’re appreciated and understood.


Oh, my bad. I’m sorry for bothering you. I forgot I only exist when you need me for something.


We spend our lives trying to please people and in the end they don’t care about you. Love yourself and pay attention to the ones who make life worth living!


One day you’re going to appreciate everything I did for you. But I’ll not be with you that day.


Every day someone wakes up feeling unappreciated, unloved or unworthy. They won’t tell you. They still smile through the pain.


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