Being Unappreciated Quotes | Feeling Unappreciated Quotes - Page 4

When you realize that you’re constantly treating a person a lot better than they treat you, it’s time to make a change.


Don’t treat him like a king, if he doesn’t appreciate you as his queen…..


It’s better to be alone than to be with someone who never sees your worth.


Sometimes being nice is overrated and it makes you feel unappreciated.


Nobody will ever feel good watching their effort being unappreciated and going down the drain, regardless in whatever you do.


After being unappreciated for so long, all the little things mean so much.


Learn to give your absence to those who don’t appreciate your presence.


If they don’t appreciate your presence, perhaps you should try giving them your absence.


I guess I just got fed up wit feeling unappreciated, feeling like an option, being taking advantage of, etc.


When everything seems to be unfair, when all that you do is not appreciated, I’ll take your hand, wipe away your tears, take you for a walk and remind you how special you are. If not for them, for me.


Being unappreciated is a sign of selfishness.


Never feel empty when the person you like turns you down, because not all people are smart enough to appreciate you.


Had one of those days where I’ve actually had beyond enough. Fed up of being unappreciated.


Love goes unappreciated a lot of times, but you still gotta keep giving it


People never miss something until its gone, your absence is much better that your presence just for your own good.


Tired of being stepped on, tired of being unappreciated and so f*cking tired of being disrespected by everyone.


The more you give, the more they try and take.


Sometimes being nice isn’t always the best thing because everyone knows that it’s so easy to hurt nice people.


When you give your time to someone, and they don’t appreciate it, send them a bill.


One day, it’ll be too late to want to appreciate a good person you once had but took it for granted. Some day someone else will come along, take up that which was lacking and show their appreciation towards it and make them see what their true worth consists of!


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