Canada Quotes | Quotes Reflecting Canadian Pride - Page 2

Canada is one of the most impressive countires in the world
– Barack Obama


Canada is a nation that stands for peace, democracy, and justice for all.


I’m so proud to be Canadian. I’ve been to 58 countries, and they’re wonderful countries, but Canada is the best.
– Paul Henderson


Toronto is full of life and motion, bustle, business and improvement. The streets are well paved and lighted with gas; the houses are large and good; the shops excellent.
– Charles Dickens


I fear I have not got much to say about Canada, not having seen much; what I got by going to Canada was a cold
– Henry David Thoreau


I always thought of this as God’s country.
– Jack Granatstein


When I’m in Canada, I feel this is what the world should be like.
– Jane Fonda


Canadians have been so busy explaining to the Americans that we aren’t British, and to the British that we aren’t Americans that we haven’t had time to become Canadians.
– Helen Gordon McPherson


Canada is a nation of people who came from somewhere else.
– Microsoft Encarta


Give your head a shake. This is the greatest country in the world.
– Curtis Sanderson


Hysterically funny, amazingly talented people. That’s what I think of when I think of Canada. That, and cold beer. And mountains.
– Richard Patrick


I believe the world needs more Canada
– Obama


The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.
– Britney Spears


Canada is one of the planet’s most comfortable, and caring, societies. The United Nations Human Development Index cited the country as the most desirable place in the world to live. This year a World Bank study named Canada the globe’s second wealthiest society after Australia.
– Time magazine


I’m a Canadian. Outside Canada I carry the flag. Canadian nationalism isn’t as insidious as American nationalism, though. It’s good natured. It’s all about maple syrup, not war.
– Feist


A Canadian is someone who knows how to make love in a canoe.
– Pierre Berton


Canada is like a bird, it likes to soar freely.


Canada is a balloon-puncturing country. You are not really allowed to be an icon unless you also make an idiot of yourself.
– Margaret Atwood


I am so excited about Canadians ruling the world.
– (Prime Minister) John Diefenbaker.


Canadian pride may not rest on our sleeves, but it resides deeply in our hearts.
– Steve Miller


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