Heartwarming Horse Quotes | Sayings for Riders, Horse Lovers

A life without horses, is like taking a breath without air.

If you haven’t fallen off a horse…then you haven’t been ridin long enough.

Horses are proof God loves us.

Heaven is on the back of a horse

Ride and never worry about the fall

If horse riding was easy, it would be called football.

A horse is your best friend you can tell them anything and no one will ever know

Home is where the horse is… So I’ll be in the barn!!

The worst part of riding is when you dismount.

I never fall off.
I just,
Dismount with style.

Even when your horse is gone they still live in your heart forever, and when it is time for you to be sent home to them, you will find that special horse again.

In life, horses are some of the best friends you’ll ever have!

If you want to know about a horse’s life just look into his eyes.

You can take a horse out of the wild, but you can’t take the wild out of the horse!

If God created anything more Beautiful then a horse he kept it for himself.

When I fall off of a horse I don’t check and make sure I’m alright, ill be just fine I’ll check the horse and make sure he is okay.

If you live a life without horses-
You don’t live a life at all…

Its every girls dream to own a horse

Galloping – Another word for flying.

Horse riding is so much more then just horse riding, its so much harder then most people think.

My horse died when I was seven but even though she is gone physically she will always be in my heart!

An English Horse Has Grace
A Western Horse Has Pleasure
But My horse Has It ALL

If you need to fly, please just take hold of the reins.

God didn’t create the horse for a tool. He created it so girls could have a best friend.

He may knock down a pole, but he will never break my heart

The saddle is my home.
Ride to live, live to ride.
Cowgirls don’t cry, ride baby ride.

In the quiet light of the stable, you hear a muffled snort, a stamp of a hoof, a friendly nicker. Gentle eyes inquire “How are you old friend?” and suddenly, all your troubles fade away.
– Author Unknown

My horse teaches me everything that I need to know about myself.

“If life hands you reins, take them without question and ride into a world of paradise.” – K.R. (me)
“There is no better way to connect with nature than to ride bareback.” K.R.

Treat you as good as my horse…I don’t THINK SO !

If there are no horses in heaven…I’m not going.
If there is no heaven with a horse…don’t look for me there.

I don’t think my horse is better than yours…

Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction.
– Cowboy Saying

Close your eyes and ride,and you will beleve your flying

If you climb in the saddle, be ready for the ride.

Some horses come into our lives and quickly go, but others leave hoofprints on our hearts that will never fade!

I feel alive when I ride ,
I don’t think anything can take me away from it ,

No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.
Horses – if God made anything more beautiful, he kept it for himself.

Give a horse what he needs and he will give you his heart in return.

Lord if we should fall, my horse and I, please pick up my horse first.

A horse doesn’t care how much you kow until he knows how much you care.

Strength lies within the heart but the strengh to trust lies between the horse and his rider!!!

You’re a true horse lover when…
1. Your horse gets new shoes more often than you do.
2. Your boyfriend complains that you love your horse more than you love
3.Your Answer? “And you point is”.
Remember that there is a heartbeat underneath you. Never
be disapionted at it.

All it takes is three barrels,two hearts ,and one pasion

Its funny, my horse knows more things about me, than my best friend.

Whats scarer when mad, a 200 pound football player or a 1200 pound mare?
Riding is a real sport with real athletes.
If horseback riding was easy they would call it football.

There’s one thing that you can always be absolutely positive of. I’d rather clean a stall then go to the mall!

A horse gallops with its lungs, perserveres with its heart, and wins with its character.

Cat looks down at a man…
Dog looks up at a man…
But a Horse,
Looks a man square in the eye,
and sees him as equal.

One day, just you and I shall gallop in an open field, with nothing in our way, except the wind blowing in our manes and tails.

When people say “It’s just a horse” they just don’t understand.

You know when you are a horse person when you start clucking at people to move.

Seven days without a horse makes one weak.

Horses are like potato chips… You can never have just one.

Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.

And on the 8th day, God went riding.

You fell off your bike, and you cried. I got thrown off my horse, and I got back on.

Horses: A wild heart but a loving soul!!

You cannot train a horse with shouts and expect it to obey a whisper.
A horse cannot talk but it can speak if you listen.

The more I get to know men… The more I love my horse!!

Your horse is your best friend:
He listens to you and don’t forget you’re supposed to listen to him too

It’s the truth all right, Hours spent in the barn, are life’s stolen pleasures.

It doesn’t take a miracle to get to cloud nine, it takes a horse!

The only real place for a true horse lover is on the back of a horse.

When you are tired, lean on me,
when you need to feel free, just hop on,
when you need some love, just come hug me,
after all I’m your horse.

A world without horses is like a heart without a beat…

A horse is the extension of it’s rider… Both can’t complete their tasks without the the other…

Secrets are the safest when they are with a horse!

No hour is wasted that is spent on the saddle .

Looking into the eyes of a horse is seeing the soul and purity of life.
You don’t need wings to fly, you just need a horse.

If my horse were to die today, I wouldn’t care, cause I would die with him.

If you think jumping isn’t extreme, try on my boots, use my saddle!

If you tell me riding isn’t a sport, I will tell you to get on my horse. I will prove you wrong.

I never realized what a bond me and my horse had until he was gone.

“Horses don’t lie”

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t stop him from rolling in it!!!
You can have my boyfriend, but stay away from my horse!!!
Life is good, HORSES make it better!
If there are no horses in heaven, I’m not going!!!

A horse is living proof that God exists. :)

Gallop through the countryside, and when you want to feel free just loosen the reins.
Ride like you stole something.

It is difficult to explain ones love for horses, it cannot be explained, it is simply felt!

A true best friend is on the other side of the lead rope.
– Jessica

A life without horses is possible, But pointless.

When you fall , get right back on
If there’s one thing you can count on in life it’s your horse.

I have 36 horses and a mustang outshines them all, hes broke and has no home but yet he has the power and grace to make someones day be brighter, if only for awhile.

A good rider can hear his horse speak to him, a great rider can hear his horse whisper, but a bad rider won’t hear his horse even if it screams at him.

The horse:
God’s gift.
Woman’s Best friend.
Man’s partner.

Everytime I count my blessings, I count my horse twice.

If I smell like peppermints, I was feeding my horse a treat.
If I smell like shampoo, I was giving my horse a bath.
If I smell like manure, I tripped.

The easiest part of riding is falling off, the hardest part is the ground.

A horse is not an animal, it’s a human trapped in a sleek, graceful body.
If you really love to ride, then you fall off on a daily basis.
My horse is so pampered, you wish you were her!

Treat you as good as my horse?… Never

No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.
– Winston Churchill

He might knock down a barrel but he’ll never break my heart.

The words “Hope”, “Love”, and “Dreams” are synonymous with horses

The horse is the example of friends some might be wild and free but even when you don’t see them they still see you and if you have well lets just say you’re lucky! but wherever you go they always follow.

Feeling down? saddle up!

Anyone who says horses don’t understand what you say, never tried talking to one.
– Heather Evalani

Some people will doubt that you can win but if you have faith in your horse, you can accomplish anything
If you fall of a horse and he horse doesn’t even flinch, you know that you found the right horse

No heaven can be if my horse isn’t there to welcome me.

Thunder is the sound of hoofbeats in heaven.

Your horse is your best friend and no one can say he’s not cause he is and he will always be there on a bad or good day and there will always be that horse that will run away with your heart and you will never forget that horse and you will be heart broken when that horse is gone.

My life without horses would be like the sky without clouds; empty.
To be in harmony with your horse means to become one, heart beat to hoofbeat.

What heaven can heaven be, if my horse is not with me
My boyfriend told me to choose him or the horse, I better go get my saddle.
Throw your heart over the fence, and the horse will follow.

The love of horses knows not its own depth until the hour of seperation.

Now I can live forever..i have a horse

If I had a horse, I’d ride off in the sunset, where dreams, and shadows lie. To a life, where pain and sorrow don’t exist, and to where hopes, and dreams become reality.

There comes a point in every rider’s life when he wonders if it’s all worth it. Then one look at the horse, and he realizes – it is.
– Kelly Stewart

Some call it a phase, I call it a shameless obsession.

I was a normal girl…then I bought my first horse!

Horseback riding is not only a sport but it’s a passion too.
Without horses we would be nothing!

I would rather die than not have a horse.

Anyone can ride, it takes talent to stay on.

Horse riding is way more than just getting on an animal and trotting around it’s a bond you have to form with your horse or it isn’t really riding at all.

His muscles are strong & powerful , his heart is pure & Loves without Bias, his hooves are swift & nimble , his mane and tail are a gentle breeze, his eye speaks knowledge & tell his story, knowledge most cannot know or understand, His ears can hear your worries & fears without speaking and he can conquer them without word or weapon. He can fly without Wings, He is my Sanity in this insane world, He is my teacher, the greatest lessons are learned from him, he knows no boundaries yet accepts me on his back and understands a different language, the language of love between horse & Rider , something no one else can understand or interpret. he can take you places you’ve never been before without going anywhere at all, He is honest , a creature of God, a gift, He is my friend, my companion he is my horse.

People don’t teach people how to ride, horses teach people how to ride.

I bet horses can teach you A LOT more life lessons that any coach ever could.

If I die, it would be on the back of a horse.

If you think I’m quiet… It’s only because we are not talking about horses!

Horseback riding is the only sport where your equipment can decide not to cooperate with you.
Feeling down? Saddle up.
– Author Unknown
If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question, or asked the question wrong.
– Pat Parelli
The child who ran weeping to you with a cut finger is now brought home, smiling gamely, with a broken collar bone and incredible contusions- “it wasn’t Jezebel’s fault, Dad.”
My horses are my friends, not my slaves.

Riding is more than just sitting on the back of a horse.

To me a horse isn’t a burden, it is a treasure. So grab the reins and ride!

You can’t trust a person as you can trust a horse.
You trust a horse enough when you feel comfortable to let loose of the reins sit back, relax, and just ride.

You don’t think a horse can count? Put three carrots in your pocket and give your horse only two.

He knows when you’re happy
He knows when you’re comfortable
He knows when you’re confident
And he always knows when you have carrots.
If you’re not making dust your eating it!
In my opinion, a horse is the animal to have. Eleven- hundred pounds of raw muscle, power, grace, and sweat between your legs – it’s something you just can’t get from a pet hamster.
If you want a stable friendship, get a horse.
A horse doesn’t care how much you know, until he knows how much you care.
– Pat Parelli
A horse is poetry in motion.
The daughter who won’t lift a finger in the house is the same child who cycles madly off in the pouring rain to spend all morning mucking out a stable.
– Samantha Armstrong

Boyfriends, girlfriends, buddies may come and go, but my horse will be with me till the very end.

Once you’ve taken flight on a horse,
There’s no need for a plane.

A perfect day for me, without horses. ?? Neigh I don’t think so. :)

There are so many horses but there is only one perfect match.

To Live without a horse, is to live without a life.

When I’m riding my horse, nothing else matters, Nothing!

Riding is another word for freedom.

For all the horse riders out there, appreciate that you can ride, some people like me can’t ride any more. My parents took my whole life away from me. Horse riders enjoy and just appreciate what you have.

People say horses complete me but I say they’re the other half of me. <3

This is one little girl that would rather clean a horse stall then her own room.

Horses are gods appology for men.

Horses- if god made anything more beauitiful he kept it for himself

People come and go but horses leave hoof prints on your heart.

You don’t fully trust a horse until you can forget the saddle.

I am not a Cowgirl, I am a Horsegirl.

Horses are all we need because they are God’s gift to you.

Some people say riding isn’t a sport but we say its a way of life!

Tell me it can’t be done, and I will do it.
Tell me the goal is too high, and I will reach it.
Place an obstical in front of me. And I will soar over it.
Challenge me, Dare me, or even defy me.
But do NOT underestimate me.
For on the back of my horse ANYTHING is possible.

The only time a dog is a man’s best friend is if the man hasn’t owned a horse before.;)

A true horse person is someone who not just love’s to ride, but LIVES to ride
Friends leave when life is boring and boyfriends leave when times are tough, but a horse will always be with you

They have pushed us aside, ignored our true talent. Said “it’s not a sport” “It’s easy”. Well, here’s life through our eyes. 40 miles per hour, is slow, 5 feet in the air, is nothing, controlling 1200 pounds with only your hand and leg, is simple. We endure the worst conditions, we embrace the small moments. We strive for perfection, and with our horses to stand by us, together. Let’s prove them, wrong. We are equestrians, and we would like to see you try it.

All horses deserve, at least once in their lives, to be loved by a little girl.

Our horses give us the wings we never had.

Riding: the art of keeping the horse between you and the ground.

The world is best viewed between the ears of your horse.

I’ve Spent most of my life looking for my perfect soul mate…
He was right in front of me.
The one I tell all my secrets too.
The one who never says anything rude back.
The one I spend all my time with!
That would be my horse!!!!! :)

You say horseback riding isn’t a sport? Tell me more about football is in the Olympics!

Some horses come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay a while, make hoof prints on our hearts, and we are never the same.

Most People Need Air To Live, All I Need Is My Horse.

When all else fails, hug your horse.

It is not how a riders horse performs; but it is how the rider and the horse perform together as one.

Without horses there well be no happiness on earth.

A barn isn’t a barn if there are no horses in it.

Even the Greenest horse has something to teach the greatest rider

If horse riding was easy, we would call it football! :)

There is no place like home but the barn!

Let a horse whisper in your ear and breathe on your face, and you will truly know what it is to be close to God’s animal.

Horses are different than people they never stop loving

A horse is like an old car, you never know which way it’s gonna go.

The more guys I meet the more I love my horse.

As a matter of fact. The world does revolve around my horse!

Whenever you feel in the dumps, sit in a horse’s saddle, everything in life disappears except for the bond between you and your horse.

Some call it obsessed, I call it dedication.

You see a horse…
i see…

The sound of thunder is a horses hoof beats in the sky.

Ridding a horse is like riding the wind in a storm. As I ride I feel as if I had wings, as if I was flying.
The love between a horse and a man is unconditional. It lasts forever and can NEVER be broken… – Lauren

The hardest thing about riding is the ground.

Horses – if God made anything more beautiful, he kept it for himself.

As distance shows a horse’s strength, so time reveals a person’s heart – chinese proverb

Every trainer can eventually get a horse to do what they want them to do, but the great trainer can get the horse to want to do it. That’s the key. And every trainer can hear a horse talking, but the great trainer can hear the little whispers.

Everyone has friends but my best friend is my horse…

I’d rather be dumped by a horse than a man.

Some people say riding isn’t a SPORT,
But i’d love to see them try

You can tell a gelding, you can ask a mare, but you must discuss it with a stallion.
Speak kindly to your little horse, and soothe him when he wheezes, or he may turn his back on you, and kick you where he pleases.
Horses are something to dream about…and to wish for; fun to watch…and to make friends with; nice to pat… And great to hug: and, oh, what a joy to ride.
You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to roll over and float on his back, then you got something.
You can’t control a young horse unless you control yourself.
In what other sport do you put on leather boots, stretch- fabric breeches, a shirt and tie, a wool jacket, a velvet- covered cap, and leather gloves, and then go out and ride?

A stubborn horse walks behind you, an impatient horse walks in front of you, but a noble companion walks beside you.

When in doubt, let your horse do the thinking.

Man’s best friend may be dog, but a woman’s best friend is her horse.

3 Barrels
2 Hearts
1 Dream
Get a Life
Get a Horse

Ask me to show you poetry in motion, and I will show you a horse.
Soon I shall go to sleep, in hopes of seeing him again. His intelligent soft eyes, his elegant head. His soft heart, and his four legs. For my horse is a dream, a dream of the making.

People call me stupid when I hop on a stallion bareback. Tell me “I told you so” when he bucks me off. But are shocked when I laugh and get straight back on.

Let the horse lead not follow.

A canter is a cure for every evil.
– Benjamin Disraeli

There Is No Bond Stronger Then That Between A Women & Her Horse. No Matter What Is Going On In Life, Your Horse Is Always There For You. No Words Need To Be Spoken, But All Is Understood.

Every girl should find that one horse that teaches her what love is. Teaches her what a relationship really is, teaches her trust, how to love unconditionally, and most importantly, to teach her to cherish every moment spent with that horse because there is going to come a time when her best friend is gone. And her heart will be broken. That is what love is.

Born to ride – forced to work.

The whip of his tail
The twitch of his ear
The lick of his tongue
The breath of his lungs
The smell of his coat
The love of his heart
The flash of his eye
The thunder of his hooves
The shelter of his soul.

The believe he has in you. Horses are one of the only things that don’t judge us for who we are, cherish that.

When Is see a horse I see freedom, when I am with a horse I don’t feel alone… I feel loved and I know that I am NOT alone.

What is a horse? It’s a creature with wings on his feet and fire in his heart, and a will to win even in the face of absolute defeat.
A horse will do anything for you, anything to please. All they ask for is a carrot, a good scratch, and a “job well done.”
It matters not how many times you fall off, but how many times you have the courage to get back on.
To hug a horse is to hug an angel.

Never Been a Horse that can’t be Rode, Never Been a Cowboy that can’t be Thrown.

Horses lend us the wings we lack.

All horses deserve…At least once in their lives…To be loved by a little girl.

The history of mankind is carried on the back of a horse.

People look at horses as though you are crazy. People say they are the most dangerous creatures. However, they need to understand that they are the very symbol of hope, peace, beauty, grace and strength, they give us strength to put up with life in this world.

You have not felt freedom, till you’ve felt the power of a horse beneath you.

All horse deserve, at least once in their lives, to be loved by a little girl.

A rider without horse is just a human, but a horse without rider is still a horse.

Horses are wingless angels!

Great riders are not great because of their talent. Great riders are great because of their passion.

There is no such thing as a safe horse. But if there was then it would take the fun out of riding.
– Unknown

I’d rather ride on a mustang, than in a mustang!

On the back of our horse is the one place a girl can get relief from the stress of the world.

The love between a girl and her horse is like no other.

Don’t flatter yourself cowboy, I was just looking at your horse.

The horse knows how to be a horse if we will leave him alone… But the riders don’t know how to ride. What we should be doing is creating riders and that takes care of the horse immediately.
– Charles de Kunffy

A good horse makes short miles.
– George Elliot

Horses are forever, people are whatever!!.

Here’s a horses perspective when you fall off… “What are you doing down there? I thought you said you could ride.” :) enjoy!

Another quote is.
3 barrels 2 hearts 1 passion
(as in barrel racing)

Eat, Sleep, Ride.

When you learn to ride the horse and not the saddle, then the real fun begins!

Riding a Horse is like flying without needing wings

Is it the smell of their body as I hug their long neck, or the scent only a horse has that I can’t forget? Is it the depth of their eyes as they contentedly rest? No, it’s just being around them that I like the best.
– Teresa Becker
In my opinion, a horse is the animal to have. Eleven- hundred pounds of raw muscle, power, grace, and sweat between your legs – it’s something you just can’t get from a pet hamster.

When you can live forever.. What do you live for?? A Horse of course

I can make a General in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace.
– Abraham Lincoln

Every horse has something to say, you just have to be willing to listen.

Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls- they give us hope!

To ride a horse. Is to fly, without wings!

People say there is no heaven on earth, they’ve clearly never been on a horse.

When life is it’s worst…go hang with your horse!
You may forget about your horse, but your horse will never forget you.
When you listen to a horse you block out sound, shut your eyes, and let your horse guide you.

A horse is not your partner until you learn to listen to him.

Show me your horse and I’ll tell you who you are.

A horse is a horse it aint make a difference what color it is.
– John Wayne

To ride is to fly

Ride like the wind, be free like a bird, be strong like a horse, be calm like a lake and ride like you never rode before!!!

You can’t climb back in the saddle unless you’ve fallen off the horse.:)

Any guy would be LUCKY for me to love them even half as much as I love my horse.
I’d take a bullet in the heart for my horse. Because I know he’d step up and do the same for me and that’s more than I can say for any guy.
My horse isn’t something important to me, he’s everything to me.

Ride him like you stole him.

When you look in a horses eye you catch a glimpse of heaven.

When we ride horses, we borrow a bit of their freedom.

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.
– Winston Churchill

My parents close their eyes when they see me ride, scared that I’ll kill myself. My parents think I’m crazy ’cause I ride. My mom weeps when I shed tears from falling. My dad warns me “Be Careful!!!” They say I’ll get myself killed. Well, if I do meet death when I count those strides, at least I’ll die happy.
My sister told me “Riding is SO easy!” I can wait till I put her on a horse and make her jump 3 foot obstacles.

Raw fingers, sore joints, head up, heels down. It’s not just a sport, it’s a way of living.

Horses let us borrow freedom, and lend us the wings we lack.

The best color on a horse is fat.

Ask me to show you poetry in motion, and I will show you a horse.

Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

A dog looks up to a man a cat looks down on a man but a horse looks a man straight in the eye and sees him as his equal.

Some people say riding looks too easy… I’d like to see them try!

A world without horses, is like a night sky without stars.

I’m never far away from home, ’cause home is where the horse is.
There’s such thing as heaven on earth; it’s called a horse.
When I ride my horse, all worries, sorrows, and fears eat the dust I leave behind.

In choosing your first horse you choose the one that feels right, the one you know will be missed when you’re not around it. You choose the one that will always be your best friend, even after you fall off. You choose the one that won’t make you feel scared, or frightened, but safe and comfortable. In Choosing My First Horse…I Chose Him.

If you don’t love your horse at his worse, then you don’t deserve him at his best.

It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.
– Mexican Proverb

Galloping and trotting…whats the difference a beginner might ask.
well trotting you would break your back falling to the ground…and galloping you would never wake up.

Horses may come, horses may go, but forever they will leave hoof prints inside my soul.

Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.
– W.C. Fields

I was a normal girl, then I started horse riding.

No one will ever know you better then your horse!

Ends are Endless when you are on a horse.

To ride a horse is to ride the sky.

A horse is dangerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle.
– Ian Fleming

When I walk into the barn in the morning I hear my horse whining and that puts a smile on my face every time.

A girls gotta believe in something, I believe I’ll go riding.

Yes, I smell like a horse. No, I don’t consider this a problem.

If dog is man’s best friend then horse must be woman’s best friend.

Treat him well for he has a loyal heart and a soul that is willing to risk his life for his rider and companion.

If you have never felt real pain, try squatting with your spurs on, you’ll have a sudden wake up call.

There are two animals that every woman needs: A horse of her dreams and a jackass to pay for it.
If the world were a rational place then men would ride sidesaddle.
Horse sense: The thing that keeps horses from betting on people.

My guardian angel has hooves.

A horse is more than a best friend, it’s family.

A horse can sense the riders emotions, so be fearless or don’t ride.

You can say whatever you want about me but don’t talk bad about my horse.

The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.
– Arabian Proverb

One look into my horse’s eyes, and I found my heart and soul.

They say princes learn no art truly, but the art of horsemanship. The reason is, the brave beast is no flatterer. He will throw a prince as soon as his groom. – Ben Johnson

In the saddle you feel good. Over a fence you feel free.

Nothing can split between us, he flies, he comes by name, he is there through thick and thin, he keeps me strong in times of weakness, when I’m with him there is a never ending world, he soars over fences, and keeps me protected, he is my best friend and I am his, he has taught me everything about his kind, now we can read each others mind. My Horse.

If it has nothing to do with horses, count me out.

You Can Have My Boyfriend, But Stay Away From My Horse!

There are only two emotions that belong in the saddle; one is a sense of humor and the other is patience.

To ride, or not to ride? What a stupid question.
– Emma

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.
– Robert Smith Surtees

I have seen things so beautiful they have brought tears to my eyes. Yet none of them can match the gracefulness and beauty of a horse running free.

Horseback riding is not a sport – it’s a passion.

There is no bond stronger than that between a horse and his rider, and there is no bond weaker than that between a rider and his tack.

A horse is better than a friend, because together you might stumble but he is always ready to get up and try again.
– Proud owner of my morgan horse, latin dancer.

To ride or not to ride? What a stupid question!!

As much as we may believe that man is free, and that we have dominated all species, our spirits could never be as free as that of a horse.
Courage, strength and loyalty is taught from the heart of a horse.

Just give me a horse… And I’ll figure the rest out sooner or later.

I’ve spent most of my life riding horses. The rest I’ve just wasted.
A good horse should be seldom spurred.
Why walk when you could ride?

For anyone who doesn’t like horses, freedom and life means nothing to you.

When riding my horse I no longer have my heart in my chest, but between my knees.

I’d rather muck out a stall than go to the mall.

If you’ve never ridden a horse then you’ve never felt freedom.

The breath of heaven is that which runs between the ears of a horse.

When in competition, ride it like you stole him.

To know the Arabian horse is to love him.

When asked if I can imagine my life without horses, promptly I reply: “Well for me, that would not be a life at all.”
– Tshepo Moime

If all that was ever remembered about me was my love for horses, I would be happy forever.

Horses Are So Much Better Than Boys !!!! :S

Horses are my life and if you take that away you take my personality away. I’m nothing without my love, a passion.

To ride is to borrow wings from a true angel.

In riding a horse, we borrow freedom.
– Helen Thompson

A girl’s horse is better then any boyfriend. She knows she can tell her horse anything and knows she’ll listen, knows it won’t be shouted from the roof tops, or turned and twisted. She knows each day she comes home someones happy to see her. She knows she won’t be judged, and most of important, she knows the true meaning of love.

I never had a real friend till I started riding.

When people say I’m obsessed with horses it’s an understatement.

If no answer check the barn.
My therapist has 4 legs.
My boyfriend asked me to pick between him and my horse, I better go get the saddle.

Horse: He will stumble and you will fall and break your arm but he will never break your heart.

No hour of life is wasted that is spent on a saddle.

Horses: If God made anything more beautiful, He kept it for Himself.

If there is no horse in my life, then I have nothing to live for.

My friend told me barrel racing was SO EASY ! I can’t wait till I put her on a horse and watch her go around a cloverleaf shape at 50 miles per hour.

The love of riding, greatly outdoes the fear of falling off.

You must have fallen often or more times to be a true horse rider and to know what a horse rider is you must know how to muck out, turn out, tack out and jump.

He may knock over a barrel, but he’ll never break my heart.

The more I am around people the more I wish they were horses.

Been there, jumped that & got the scars to prove it!

Sell the cow, buy the sheep, but never be without the horse.
– Irish Proverb

I’d rather sit and clean my tack than be out partying. I’d rather ride than go to the pub. I’d rather groom than shop. I love my horse.

My horse is in my heart, my heart is in my horse.

Get a life, ride a horse.

Horses can’t talk, but they speak if you listen.

I wish there were more horse- riders in the world, cos there’d be so many more “stable” people around!

A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves- strong, powerful, beautiful- and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.
– Pam Brown

When I open the gate and my horses walk over to me and nuzzle my hand one by one and blow a breath of air, there is no greater pleasure in my day. I know they have accepted me into their world.
Horses let us enter their world and trust us to keep them safe. In return we live in paradise with them.

There is not a better pair than a girl with her horse.

Dogs have owners; Horses have a staff.
How to ride a horse:
Step 1- Mount the horse.
Step 2- Stay mounted.
He knows when you are happy. He knows when you are upset. He also knows when you have a carrot.
A racehorse is an animal that can take several thousand people for a ride at the same time.

When you feel like you can’t trust anyone or anything, you can always count on your horse!

The greater the horseman, the humbler the man!

And Allah took a handful of southerly wind, blew His breath over it and created the horse.
– Bedouin Legend

Horses have to be free, free as the wind blows.

Whoever said you can’t buy happiness forgot about horses.

I have often been asked why do I like horses so much. Look into one’s eyes. There you will see generations of horses who have served the humans for thousands of years faithfully for nothing in return. Beaten horses, starved hoses, horses who no longer possess a spirit. They deserve to be loved and respected as much as humanly possible. Let them run free again. Let them no longer be a faithful beasts, but embrace them as you would a dear friend, for that is what they are.

No one knows you better than your horse.

To me, horses and freedom are synonymous.
– Veryl Goodnight

I asked God for a true friend and he sent me a horse.

Horses lend us the wings we lack…

Horses are the best things you can have in your life! (:
When your world falls apart. Just look beside you, and your horse will be there!

Nothing is better than being on the back of a horse.

You can not learn riding without falling.

The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.
– King James Bible

I’ve spent most of my life riding horses, the rest I just wasted.

I exercise by riding my horse, so far my horse has lost 15lbs.. :)

To ride or not to ride? What a stupid question!

Smile and your horse will smile with you, cry and your horse will cry with you, but hurt your horse and it will suffer alone.

Horses make a landscape look beautiful.
– Alice Walker

A man comes to me and says “Can you show me poetry in motion” So I lead him out back I say “You asked me to show you poetry in motion and I showed you a horse”.

Horse: loving, caring, brave and a girl’s best friend.

No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses.
– Herman Melville

Horses are not just animals they are companions.

A gallop is so fast your worries can’t keep up.
If you have never loved a horse, or been loved by a horse, then you have no idea what true love is.
The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse.
– from Vavra’s Vision
Equine images

If you’ve known the heart of a horse… You have truly known LOVE.
A good horse = the one love that will never break your heart.

My barrel horse is smarter than your honor student.

Some people say riding isn’t a SPORT, they may be right because it is just too amazing to be a sport, it is something out of this world!

Give me a set of keys and I’m not too sure.
Hand me a pair of reins and I have the the whole world under my belt.

Horses are angels with invisible wings.

Anyone can sit on a horse and call it riding, but not just anyone can get back in the saddle after being thrown off and was so close to killing themselves.

Horses leave hoof prints on your heart.

Your horse can only be as brave as you are.

My dear, I don’t care what they do, so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses.

The child who ran weeping to you with a cut finger is now brought home, smiling gamely, with a broken collar bone and incredible contusions- ‘it wasn’t Jezebel’s fault, Dad.’

I found one way to fly; on the back of an airborne horse !!!

When ever you are in need of a open heart, someone to talk to, or someone to love, a horse will always be there for you.

Ride softly, listen carefully, and love completely.

Some say having a horse is a chore… Nope, totally wrong in every way.. Having a horse is my LIFE, LOVE and HAPPINESS!

He can’t talk but he can understand you!

Your life is wasted when it’s not in the saddle.

The horse will speak to you, just listen.

When everyone leaves and forgets about you there is someone who will NEVER forget about you! YOUR HORSE.
They’re forgiving animals but hurt them once and they will never trust you again.

A woman’s place is on her horse.

Horses aren’t just my life they are my heart, my faith and they have my total trust when I jump my horse I feel like I’m flying in the air. (: My horse is my best friend no matter what.

Never forget to thank your horse for honoring you with his/her trust.

People who don’t love horses obviously have never witnessed the true bond of being with a horse and the connection you share.

I don’t have a horse but I rode on fine form a race horse until he got sold its been a year now and I still cry over him. I will never forget the wonderful times we spend together.

There is nothing in the whole world that can take away my worries or make me fully concentrate… Except riding and being around horses.

A horse is as good as his rider. Not! A horse is always better than his rider, because he is pure, truthful, smart, beautiful, happy, and everything a human isn’t. That’s what a horse is.
Live. You say you live, not until you have a horse!

Dressage is for all horses but all horses are not for dressage.

There is nothing like knowing that there is a horse in your pasture, who is willing to do anything for you and even trust you with their life.

You call her a horse, I call her my best friend!
You say she’s just a horse, I say she’s my whole world.
I takes a good rider to jump a course and win a blue ribbon. I takes a great rider to fall off and get up with their pride.

Wild Horses are a symphony in motion; inspired by heavenly melodies, they dance to captivate their Creator.

Horses Are Like Chocolates You Can’t Just Have One.

It’s not just jumping a horse, it’s a given opportunity to fly without wings. For a split second, of course!
While you’re teaching your horse to win in the arena, he’s quietly teaching you to win in life!
Be the rider, not the passenger!

A horse is a beast with strength beyond measure, a wild, free spirit, an iron will, and a huge heart. An equestrian is someone who is brave enough to tame this beast, and in return is lent wings, an opportunity to live, love, breathe and die horses, a chance to understand as much of heaven as we simple humans can here on earth, total, complete trust and more unconditional love than we will ever know. That is the joy of riding horses.

You can always count on your horse being your one true love who will not hurt you!

Life without horses, I don’t think so!

Everyday is a good day when you are around horses.:)

Show me your horse, and I will tell you who you are.

With horses there is no favorite.

You can replace anything but a horse.

Horses are not my whole life they make my life whole.

No ride is ever the last one. No horse is ever the last one you will have. Somehow there will always be other horses, other places to ride them.

Yes, I smell like a horse. Your point is??

In buying a horse or taking a wife, shut your eyes tight and commend yourself to God.
– Tuscan Proverb

Who needs school? All you need is a horse.

The love of horses knows not it’s own depth till the hour of separations.

Horses= Love, Adventure, Mystery, Fun, and Trust!!!

My horse is my life. He’s my greatest love, and even when he’s gone, I’ll never, ever stop loving him. And when I go to heaven, if my horse(s) aren’t there, I will turn right back around.
– Author Unknown

Horses are magestic creatures that are also very sweet!

Drop, Slide & Ride.

The way to heaven is on horse back!

A horse is a true friend and a part of the family; therefore, they deserve to be that way.
A horse, like a true friend, listens to you, so when they tell you something in response LISTEN UP!

Throw your heart over the fence, and your horse will follow.

There’s nothin’ in life that’s worth doin’, if it cain’t be done from a horse…

Tell me I can’t go see him.. I will sit and cry. You don’t know what get how much I need him. He helps me get through the day.

With a fast horse, good run, and a winning time. Who needs a cowboy?!?:)

We may not be the best riders ever but it doesn’t stop us doing what we love!

Horses are freedom!

Yeah! But can you ride?

Her horse knows her better than anyone else, likewise his girl knows him better than anyone else.

Life is easier when you have a good horse.

Men have said that they have seen spirits, but only horse riders have seen a true angel.

If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question or asked the question wrong.

When you take off for a jump you glide through the gates of heaven.

The Hardest Part Of Barrel Racing Is The Ground.
Riding- The Art Of Keeping The Horse Between You And The Ground.

Live Laugh Lope

The taller your horse, the closer you are to the stars.

Two hearts beat and a single brain, the perfect combination or horse and rider.

My horses are my friends, not my slaves.

He talks without saying a word, whispering love sings in my ear. Tickling my neck with his scruffy nose. No matter how down I am with troubles, stresses, or countless failures, he supports me til the days end. My horse will be with me, watching me from the heavens, shared through someone or something else. My horse is my heaven and life. With him, I can do ANYTHING.

I love horses!!!!!! I would ride off at sunset time and never come back where my horse and I could play, laugh, and have fun. I love horses!!!!!

My horse makes me forget ALL my troubles!

Some people say riding isn’t a sport.
I tend to agree… It’s more like a way of life.

When I ride all I feel is free.

We bet you know one little girl who would rather meet Bezzie Madden rather than Lady Gaga any day. (:
– Jade
I know I would.

There are two rules of riding:
1. Get up
2. Stay there

I am his eyes. He is my wings.
I an his voice. He is my spirit.
I am his human and he is my horse.

People who say riding isn’t a sport are just intimidated. Because in OUR game, the ball has a mind of its own.

Lord grant me the patience of my horse.

Live. Love. Ride
If you don’t have that, you don’t have a life.

When you are riding, cherish the simple things in life, life has its majestic moments.

Definition of love – horses

A lovely horse is always an experience… It is an emotional experience of the kind that is spoiled by words.
– Beryl Markham

Through the days of love and celebration and joy, and through the dark days of mourning- the faithful horse has been with us always.

I should like to be a horse.
– Queen Elizabeth II

Horses are another way of saying free.

Having an amazing life is a big luxury, owning a horse is bigger.

Why do I ride horses? I do because in a horse I see my life, my dreams, my life. When I look in a mirror I see a person, but when I look at a horse I see me.

You have never experienced “everything” until you’ve rode a horse.

Life’s good but horses make it better.

Great horses give good riders a chance to become great horsemen.

Horses fear many things I do not think a rider could be one of them.
Before you get on their back you have to get inside their mind.

To ride a horse is to have an unbreakable bond with a majestic, beautiful animal and friend.

My social life has four legs and smells bad.

I wanted to fly, so I mounted up.

The more I get to know ladies … The more I love my horse!!

A dog may be a man’s best friend but a horse made history.

A horse is freedom, love, compassion and so much more!
What are we without them?

I go to horseback riding everyday since I was 6. Broken legs, collar bones & wrists. Been to uncountable numbers of shows. Had 15 jump courses, hunter jumpers & mounted wanderers. Next time you wanna say horse back riding is easy, go do what I do everyday & come back to me.

Remember you can ride as fast as he can run.

God guides the wind and the wind guides the wild horses.

There is just as much horse sense as ever, but the horses have most of it.

There is a place where love isn’t confined to the heart, it’s free and it soars beneath you, you can feel its strength, its power, its courage, its trust. Where is this place? In the saddle.

It’s never about pushing a horse, its about pushing him to do what you know he can.

You Can Take A Horse To The Water, But You can’t Make Em Drink

When you get on your horse and go into the woods, remember, it’s not the horse that leads you the right way, it’s God.

An mans best friend but horses will always be girls bffl! :)

God created man. In the hope that we would forgive him, he created horses.

Riding: It’s not about “if” you come off but when.

A horse is only as good as his rider.

Don’t squat with yer spurs on!

Been there, knocked it over, and got the medals to prove it.

I don’t think anyone knows me as well as my horse does.

A dog may be man’s best friend, but a horse part of a man’s heart!

You know someone loves horses when they have horses everything: 18′ model horses, horse calendars, horse pillows, horse wallpaper, horse posters, talks about horses NONSTOP, horse cups, horse stickers, horse socks, horse shirts, horse pencils, etc.

My horse knows more about me than me.

Those who say money can’t buy happiness have never bought a horse.

The best feeling in the world is doing a fast rollback along a fence to turn a cow around.

When you’re young and you fall off a horse, you may break something. When you’re my age, you splatter.
– Roy Rogers
It takes a good deal of physical courage to ride a horse. This, however, I have. I get it at about forty cents a flask, and take it as required.
– Stephen L.

The best feeling is when you can connect and build a strong bond with your horse.

Men are generally more concerned of the breeding of their horses than of their children!

Horses are nothing but liberated souls.
If I die I want to come back as a horse with a master like myself.

It may take 100 falls to make a rider, but it also takes 100 horses.

You have not lived until you have lived with horses.

The taller your horse, farther it is to the ground.

Anybody who finds it easy to make money on the horses is probably in the dog food business.
– Franklin P. Jones

When I see you it’s like I’m in a whole other world.

Wanna ride for fun? Ride a carousel.

Who ever said you can’t buy happiness forgot about abandoned horses.

The fury lies in the eyes of the wild mustangs.

When a horse greets you with a nicker and regards you with a large liquid eye, the question of where you want to be has been answered.

Don’t be mad just because you don’t have a horse like mine.

I don’t have a horse, but I know a horse which I love, it’s not mine but every time I see her it fells like she’s mine chipie I love you !!.

You think I’m crazy you should see me without my horse.

When you get on your horse and go in the woods, it’s not the horse that leads you the right way, it’s God.

I’d rather fall off a horse, then fall in love with a boy!

Was that a horse or Sarah Jessica Parker?

Anything your horse can do, mine can do better!

If you live a life without horses, you don’t live at all.

3 jumps
2 hearts
1 passion

Fat is always average when speaking of a horse.

I have the original horsepower.

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