Letting Go Quotes | Inspirational Sayings about Moving On - Page 2

Once you realize you deserve better, letting go will be the best decision ever.


I miss your smile, but I miss mine even more. At some point in your life, you will become aware that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.


Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you.


I never stopped caring, but you did, and that’s why I’ve moved on.


Some things are just never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were.


One day I’ll get over you, my tears will stop falling, putting on a smile will be easier and more real. I’ll stop doubting myself and I’ll stop trying to make up excuses for me and your mistakes. I’ll be able to laugh again. I’ll be able to walk by you with my head held high with no shame. I won’t have to avoid seeing you or hate the person you are currently with. I’ll be able to feel beautiful again and I won’t hate you anymore. I won’t hate myself anymore and I won’t regret being with you, because being with you taught me things that I never would have learned without you. I will realize how strong I am and I will move on. You won’t be forgotten because apparently you were my first love, but I won’t want you anymore and your name will be easier to say. One day I will let you go and I’ll move on.


Some people are blessings in our lives but some are lessons.


Staying with sum1 you really love even if you know its better letting go is like standing under the rain…It felt so good but you know its not right…:(


Stop holding on to what hurts and make room for what feels good.


Sometimes its so hard to LET GO, but its easier than holding on to something that isn’t THERE


You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.
– Louise Smith


Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.


Love is like broken glass…better to leave it broken then hurt yourself trying to fix it…


My to-do list for today:
– Count my blessings.
– Practice kindness.
– Let go of what I can’t control.
– Listen to my heart.
– Be productive yet calm.
– Just breathe.


if you are brave enough to say goodbye life will reward you with a new hello.
– Paula Coehlo


Letting go of someone you love is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn’t even feel the same is much harder.


God sometimes removes people from your life to protect you, don’t run after them.


When you have a gorgeous heart and pure intentions, you don’t lose anyone, they lose you.


Sometimes memories are better forgotten. Sometimes they’re not, but over time you seem to lose them.
But sometimes, even though some memories are too hard to even bear, you want to hold on to the BAD and the GOOD memories. Cause in the end, you realize there was a reason for all that misery, that it resulted in happiness.


Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some happy and some very exciting. But if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter holds.


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