Sad Quotes & Sayings | Sadness Quotes | Sad Love Quotes - Page 6

You Will meet many people, but very few will you trust.


No one will ever know, the pain I feel inside.


All unhappiness is due to wrong expectations. (Buddhist)


How did I go from that happy little 5 year old to this.


There are days that make you feel like there is no happiness on the horizon.


The scariest part of life isn’t when you slip and fall. It’s not when you realize you are falling with no one to catch you. It’s when you realize you are at your most vulnerable and you are completely and utterly alone.


“Its hard to tell your mind to stop LOVING someone…when your HEART still does.”


Sad thing is: When they say ‘forever’ they mean, until they find someone better.


An angel opened the book of life and wrote down my baby’s birth. And whispered as she closed it “Too beautiful for earth.”


Life isn’t always what you want it to be. It has its ups and it has its downs; but you’ll always come through scratched and scarred, but know that the experience is just going to make you stronger. As a wise person once said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” So no matter how many times someone pushes you down in life, stand right back up, and keep moving towards who you want to be and what you want to do. No matter who you are or where you’re from, always remember you can make it through whatever anyone throws at you if you just try hard enough.
I am a slow dying flower, in the frost- killing hour, sweet turning sour and untouchable.
We only accept the love we think we deserve.
This world is a cruel and ugly place to live in, but once in a while, we’re reminded of how beautiful it can be.
The worst feeling is knowing that you aren’t needed.
That you are alone in this world, and that you no long have a reason to live.


Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be happy with myself. I worry that if I can’t be happy with myself, then nobody will ever be happy with me, and that just makes me even more paranoid. It’s a cycle, insecurity, unconfidence, and diffidence, it’s all a cycle and it’s destroying me.


I feel like a caged bird waiting to be freed. Living in a world where people are not what they seem. Not knowing not caring what to do anymore, just lonely. And all that I have is a book in my hand. Nothing else I hold so dear. Just wishing you would be near. If only for a little bit. If only for a little while. Then maybe through the thick clouds. What you might see is my smile. Hidden behind my true form. Hidden are my many scars. No one notices but if they do, they don’t say anything. Waiting for you feels like forever. But you must know that I can’t wait forever. So I live in my lonely world waiting to be saved. But it seems that no one is willing to save me. So ever night I lay in my cage weeping. How could you…but you don’t answer. How could you? And still you don’t answer. Will I ever have a happy ending?


Don’t be too close to anyone, memory brings you tears.


It still hurts to see that you’re doing completely okay, without me.


Life isn’t fair. It’s just fairer than death, that’s all.
– William Goldman, “The Princess Bride”


It’s really sad how one day I’ll seem to have everything going right then the next day I’ll lose everything so fast.


Everyone has a time to stand with their head held high, everyone has a time to break down and cry.


That moment when you are completely falling apart and nobody notices…


If home is where love is;
And home is where trust is;
Then I guess I’m homeless.


I die every day, every second without you.


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