Smoking Quotes & Sayings | Funny Smoking Quotes - Page 5

A cigarette is the only consumer product which when used as directed kills its consumer.
– Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland


Smoking kills… But lucky for me, I like a challenge.


The more you smoke, the cigarette gets shorter and your life gets shorter too.


Smoking and getting caught by your father is injurious to health…!!


The believing we do something when we do nothing is the first illusion of tobacco.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson


I make it a rule never to smoke while I’m sleeping.
– Mark Twain


To the average cigarette smoker the world is his ashtray.


Smoking is an expenditure beyond your need.


Today is my opportunity to gain back control from an addiction that has and continues to win over millions. But it won’t beat me. I’m no athlete or superstar. I’m just a country girl with more will power and determination than anyone you’ll ever meet. Today’s my day. When’s yours?


Smoking kills germs of our teeth. And I’m gonna fight these germs. Are you ready?


You might be a firefighter if you’ve ever smoked and there wasn’t a cigarette in sight.


Quitting smoking has nothing to do with nicotine withdrawal but everything to do with our minds.


I just don’t want anyone messing around with my pure smoking pleasure.
– Max Cannon


Rehab is NOT for quitters… It’s for those who care enough for the ones they love, and for those who want to take CARE OF THEMSELVES again.


Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.
– Fletcher Knebel


The threat of nicotine withdrawal is like having a cat on your doorstep but in your mind, you interpret it like a tiger.


Nicotine patches are great. Stick one over each eye and you can’t find your cigarettes.


Smoking isn’t the only thing that kills. Life today, nearly everything kills. Guess I should give up life.


Smoking might kill time, sooner than you would want.


Smoking is an expensive way to kill yourself…
I know of a woman that was a smoker, she got brain cancer and she could barely speak well enough to say, Don’t ever smoke. How sad :(
My grandpa got alzheimer’s disease from smoking ( which ultimately lead to his death :(
I had a aunt that worked at a restaurant for several years, she was constantly breathing in cigarette smoke, then at the age of 37 she died from cancer. Leaving behind a husband and 4 young children. If you think smoking is a joke ask my cousins how they liked growing up without their mom, not as funny as you think.
I could tell you more stories but I won’t take your time.
I realize smoking is an addiction, please get the help you need before it’s to late.
May you win the battle for your life.


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