Dr Roopleen Quotes

Motivational Counselor, Speaker, blogger, author.

The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focused on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts.
– Dr Roopleen


Attitude is that little thing that will make the most difference in the accomplishment of your goals.
– Dr Roopleen


Learning is a matter of gathering knowledge; wisdom is applying that knowledge.
– Dr Roopleen


To be able to live each day with honor, respect and dignity is the greatest achievement of all.
– Dr Roopleen


Success is not reserved for a select few; you too can be successful.
– Dr Roopleen


Get driven into your ambition, pursue your goals passionately and you will see your dreams come alive.
– Dr Roopleen


Don’t be a part of the crowd; be a FACE in the crowd.
– Dr Roopleen


Always be ready to learn. There is no age for learning and no end to learning.
– Dr Roopleen


If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.
– Dr Roopleen


Don’t let fear of failure prevent you from making effective choices and firm decisions.
– Dr Roopleen


You cannot choose your circumstances but you have the ability to control your responses at all the challenges that life throws your way. – Dr Roopleen


To be successful, you need to keep an eye on what you want to achieve and not on what you already have. Just like while aiming, you focus on the target and not the tip of the arrow .
– Dr Roopleen


Stop worrying; start working. Stop complaining; start resolving. Stop fretting; start living.
– Dr Roopleen


You live only once. Don’t deny yourself the luxury of living your best life.
– Dr Roopleen


If you desire something strong enough and are determined to get it, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish.
– Dr Roopleen


Successful people are not born. They are made of toil, sweat, perseverance, tenacity and iron will.
– Dr Roopleen


Working towards a goal gives you a direction in life. Without goals, you keep running in circles.
– Dr Roopleen


Discover your true potential, ignite your inner spark and become the remarkable person you were meant to be.
– Dr Roopleen


Extra miles, extensive preparation and exhaustive efforts usually show astonishing results.
– Dr Roopleen


Follow your vision and focus on your goals. Don’t wait for others to tell you which path to follow. Do what is best for you. What works for others may prove to be a disaster for you.
– Dr Roopleen


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