K.D. Lang Quotes

If you knew how meat was made, you’d probably lose your lunch.
– K.D. Lang

We all love animals. Why do we call some ‘pets’ and others ‘dinner?’
– K.D. Lang

The sky is an infinite movie to me. I never get tired of looking at what’s happening up there.
– K.D. Lang

Sweet, sweet burn of sun and summer wind, and you my friend, my new fun thing, my summer fling.
– K.D. Lang

I just try to live a really simple, natural life, because obviously, life has an impact on your voice.
– K.D. Lang

The older I get, the more I embrace who I am.
– K.D. Lang

Life is so impermanent that it’s not about somebody else or things around me, it’s about knowing you are completely alone in this world and being content inside.
– K.D. Lang

Heartache is very fertile ground for song-making but so is happiness, so is absolute bliss.
– K.D. Lang

I grew up in cattle country-that’s why I became a vegetarian. Meat stinks, for the animals, the environment, and your health.
– K.D. Lang

Look. Art knows no prejudice, art knows no boundaries, art doesn’t really have judgement in it’s purest form. So just go, just go.
– K.D. Lang

There needn’t be a distinction between your life and your music.
– K.D. Lang

It’s just a theory really, but I have always thought that your physical surroundings can shape your voice and personality.
– K.D. Lang

I just really allowed my music to be my guide and I just go with whatever I’m feeling.
– K.D. Lang

I think I was a singer before I came out of the womb. I also think that the way you live your life, and the choices you make parallel what doors open up for you.
– K.D. Lang

When women make their image about youth and sexuality, and not about intellect, that’s kind of a dead-end road. So I think it’s a combination of self-entrapment and entrapment by society.
– K.D. Lang

I’m also alternative because of Canada – there’s something romantic about being Canadian. We’re a relatively unpopulated, somewhat civilized, and clean and resourceful country. I always push the fact that I’m Canadian.
– K.D. Lang

I think that the older I get and the more comfortable I get with myself, the more I realize that art is about relinquishing control of your emotions and being vulnerable and innocent.
– K.D. Lang

I just try to speak passionately about things I’m involved in and moved by.
– K.D. Lang

I like the music. I don’t like the business. I get very tired of the travel and moving, constantly moving. But the hour-and-a-half that I’m making music, I’m one of the happiest people on earth.
– K.D. Lang

I certainly fall in love with artists. I think that’s probably the aspiration of an artist, to make a listener empathize so deeply that they do fall in love with you.
– K.D. Lang

There are days when I still want to be able to do what I want when I want, but there’s also something wonderful about being secure.
– K.D. Lang

You have to respect your audience. Without them, you’re essentially standing alone, singing to yourself.
– K.D. Lang

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