Mark Manson Quotes

Always assume you don’t completely understand something. It will foster humility and create more opportunities to learn.
– Mark Manson


Many care deeply about themselves and neglect others. Many care deeply about others and neglect themselves. Few are able to care deeply about themselves *and* others.
– Mark Manson


You must love without expecting anything in return; otherwise it’s not truly love. You must respect without expecting anything in return; otherwise you don’t truly respect them. You must speak honestly without expecting a pat on the back; otherwise you aren’t truly being honest.
– Mark Manson


Living well means spending more time on things that matter. Living poorly means spending more time on things that don’t matter. Wisdom is knowing the difference.
– Mark Manson


Nobody’s responsible for our problems but us.
– Mark Manson


The most accurate metric for your love of someone is how you feel about their flaws.
– Mark Manson


Get comfortable with boredom. That way you will only feel the need to do something when it is actually worth doing.
– Mark Manson


There’s no such thing as, “I don’t have enough time.” You always have enough time. You don’t have the right priorities.
– Mark Manson


The only difference between a dream and a plan is a willingness to do something.
– Mark Manson


The easiest way to start is to start small.
– Run 100 meters
– Meditate for one minute
– Write one paragraph
– Skip one dessert
– Read one page
Then challenge yourself to do more. You’ll find that doing something small often motivates you to do more and keep going.
– Mark Manson


The idiot thinks he knows everything because he literally doesn’t have enough knowledge to know better. Meanwhile the expert thinks he knows nothing because he is so aware of all the ways in which he could be wrong.
– Mark Manson


Any experience good or bad can have value. Unlocking that value is determined by our choices.
– Mark Manson


The narrower the identity you choose for yourself, the more everything will seem to threaten you. For that reason, define yourself in the simplest and broadest terms possible.
– Mark Manson


Overestimate your future, underestimate your past.
– Mark Manson


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