Not all battles are fought for victory. Some are fought simply to tell the world that there was someone on the battlefield. – Ravish Kumar
Be a film star’s fan, or cricketer’s, but never be a politician’s fan. – Ravish Kumar
Fake news engenders fake debates, and fake debates result in fake politics. It is a means to take the focus far away from the real problems that affect people. – Ravish Kumar
Communalism turns human beings into bombs. – Ravish Kumar
The act of speaking out makes you alone. – Ravish Kumar
The reason for their silence was simple. They understood, ‘If the mob can do this to these people, it can do the same to me.’ People joined the mob to silence others; what they did not realize was that they had also learnt to become and remain silent. – Ravish Kumar
Who knows which case one will be embroiled in, and then one will be forced to make the rounds of the courts for years. This is very easily done in India. – Ravish Kumar
To have faith is a good thing, no doubt. But that faith should rest on the foundation of facts, not emotions. – Ravish Kumar
Youngsters who do not know what it is to be in love and marry the person of their choice remain cowards forever, timid for life. – Ravish Kumar
Truth be told, if you say you are not an objector, you are ranged against democracy. If you have a different point of view, say you are a dissenter. Post ten things on Facebook daily and say openly, ‘Yes, I have a difference of opinion.’ Being an objector is no crime. – Ravish Kumar
You cannot put yours and yourself in danger just to overcome your fear. – Ravish Kumar
The young no longer want to understand why a system made them spend lakhs of rupees studying to be engineers when at the end of it all they could not find jobs that would pay them even ten thousand. They took loans to gain admission and study in colleges that promised them training and placements. Those colleges don’t exist anymore, but the loans are still being repaid. – Ravish Kumar
Those of us who do not learn lessons from history will become assassins for the history that is yet to be recorded. – Ravish Kumar
While a ribbon awaits Usain Bolt at the finishing line, for people like us, there is a concrete wall. When you reach the finishing line, you run straight into that wall.Everything, your job, your credibility, your life itself, is at stake. – Ravish Kumar
The way things are in India, couples invariably find little love and far more hatred in the course of their love. That they still dare to love is worthy of our salutations. – Ravish Kumar
We must also strive to understand the nature of mobs. A mob has its own constitution. It has its own country. It drafts its own orders and directives, and identifies its own prey. – Ravish Kumar
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