Vallabhbhai Patel Quotes

The negligence of a few could easily send a ship to the bottom, but if it has the wholehearted co-operation of all on board it can be safely brought to part.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Manpower without Unity is not a strength unless it is harmonized and united properly, then it becomes a spiritual power.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Work is undoubtedly worship but laughter is life. Any one who takes life too seriously must prepare himself for a miserable existence. Anyone who greets joys and sorrows with equal facility can really get the best of life.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Little pools of water tend to become stagnant and useless, but if they are joined together to form a big lake the atmosphere is cooled and there is universal benefit.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Your goodness is impediment in your way, so let your eyes be red with anger, and try to fight the injustice with a firm hand.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Take to the path of dharma – the path of truth and justice. Don’t misuse your valour. Remain united. March forward in all humility, but fully awake to the situation you face, demanding your rights and firmness.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Homoeopathy is supposed to work miracles.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Even if we lose the wealth of thousands, and our life is sacrificed, we…should keep smiling and be cheerful keeping our faith in God and Truth.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


Faith is of no evil in absence of strength. Faith and strength, both are essential to accomplish any great work.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


A war based on Satyagraha is always of two kinds. One is the war we wage against injustice, and the other we fight our won weaknesses.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


No one would starve in independent India. Its grain would not be exported. Cloth would not be imported by it. Its leaders would not use a foreign language and finding justice in it would be neither costly nor difficult.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


It is the prime responsibility of every citizen to feel that his country is free and to defend its freedom is his duty.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


There is something unique in this soil, which despite many obstacles has always remained the abode of great souls.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


My only desire is that India should be a good producer and no one should be hungry, shedding tears for food in the country.
– Vallabhbhai Patel


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