Best Friend Quotes | Sayings Celebrating Best Friends - Page 18

Good friends will help you up when you fall ..but best friends will be standing there looking down at you and saying did you have a nice trip?


A true friend realizes something about you that even you have no idea about.


I say the wrong word, but yet you always know what I mean.


Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say.


Friendship is like a rose without a thorn.


Your friends will help you with your homework but your best friends will do it all for you and get everything wrong on purpose.


A best friend is someone who you can rely on anytime no matter what.


A best mate hears one word and understands two.


Best friends stick together no matter the weather forever and ever.


Even if I wanted to get rid of you I couldn’t. And why would I?


Boys come and go but friends stick with you until the end.
True friends will support you even when your ideas are stupid.


When besties are together then there is no need to someone else.


It’s not important if you don’t have many friends but it’s much more important if you have a true friend.


A friend is some one you run to
cry to
whine to
and depend on!
They’re always there.


My best friend is my everything.


Take nothing but PHOTOS, Leave nothing but FOOTPRINTS, & keep nothing but MEMORIES.
Best friends??? Yeah, I guess but more like…SISTERS!
Best friends are like clouds. You point them out because there special.


A friend will say, “Stop being so stupid, ” but I will say, “Oh you stupid retard let me join you!”
A friend will laugh from behind you while your skipping and making a fool of yourself but I fling my arm around your shoulder and we’ll skip together like drunken idiots!


True best friends are like chopsticks; without one, they can’t work.
– Sasha Smith


A true friend is someone you can tell your problems and secrets to and know they won’t go running off and tell other people.


When it hurts to look back and you’re scared to look ahead you can just look beside you and your best friend will be there.


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