Best Friend Quotes | Sayings Celebrating Best Friends - Page 7

A fake friend would say goodbye

A real friend would say see you soon.


When you find out that you won’t be going to the same high school as your friends…your friend will give you a hug and say goodbye…but a true friend will get mad, sad, and say I want to talk your parents!


God made us sisters, but our hearts made us friends, and even through all the drama, we will be together until the end.


A friend will take you to walmart to buy a pregnancy test but a best friend will stand out side the bathroom door screaming “Name it after me!”.


Friends don’t think of you as weird, friends think of you as just unique.


A friend is someone who will hold your hot dog when you ask them to.
A closer friend will take a bite of it and say it came like that.
And a best friend will take a bite out of it and say, “What ?. .. I was hungry!
To loose a best friend is like loosing everything.


If someone killed you I wouldn’t be at your funeral, I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you!


No one is perfect but you can be one with a friend
a friend in need is a friend indeed
a friend always listen and never say


A true friend is one who shares the same enemies as you!


True friends share their real feelings to you even if it will hurt you along the way.


A best friend rides in your car no matter how many times you nearly killed them.


True friends never let go of you no matter how times you try to ignore them.


She is the person who won’t hang up on you no matter what time you call. :-D


True friends help you by saying the truth…even if it hurts


A simple friend asks for the food out of your fridge a true friend will get it herself and not feel the least bit weird about shutting the bottom drawer with her foot.


Best friends are people whom call you at midnight laughing about something that happened last year.


A best friend knows when you’re hurt and they’ll always be there to give you a hug and say “Whose a** am I kicking?”


To me it seems if you give your heart to a boy, they always find a way to break it. But if you give your heart to your true friend, they will always be there to protect it from getting a single scratch.


Frienship isnt whom youve known the longest its the one who came and never left your side


Friends forever, never apart, maybe by distance, but never by heart…


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