Best Friend Quotes | Sayings Celebrating Best Friends

Real family does not come from your blood. It is the people standing beside you when no one else is.

A SPECIAL friend is hard to FIND,
Hard to LOSE And impossible to FORGET.
TRUE friends are never APART
maybe in DISTANCE

God made us best friends because he knew that our moms couldn’t handle us as sisters.

Good friends care for each other.
Close friends understand each other,
But true friends stay forever..beyond words, beyond distance, beyond time…!

Your true friend is always there, not just for a day or two, but forever.

If I could take a star out of the sky every time you made me smile, the whole night sky would be in my hands.

True friends are never apart maybe in distance but never in the heart!

A real friend will clean up the messes you make out of life for you. Even if they shouldn’t have to.

A true friend is someone who can look at you with the biggest smile on your face and still tell something is wrong.

I used to be normal until I met those losers I call my BEST FRIENDS!!!!

A single rose can be my garden, a single friend…my world.

You laugh, I laugh,
You cry, I cry,
You scream, I scream,
You jump off a bridge, I get a boat and save your stupid ASS.

I won’t promise to be your friend forever, because I won’t live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.

Some friends aren’t really friends… They’re family.

When a friend makes some mistake, do not forget all the good things he did for you.

A friend will call you an idiot, but a best friend will not only call you one but act like one with you.

You can’t describe your best friends in words. You can describe them with memories that you had with them.

Side by side or miles apart best friends are together if only by heart.

A friend calls your parents Mr and Mrs. A best friend calls them mom and dad.

The person who will never let you down and alone is your best friend.

A best friend is not the one who cries with you but the one who wipes your tears.

Good friends will come bail you out of jail… but true friends will be sitting next to you sayin’ Dang girl… we messed up.

A friend asks for food while a best friend raids the fridge.

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, & impossible to forget.

You insult me: I can handle it. You insult my best friend: I’m going to break your face.

A friend will hug you when you have been gone a month, A true friend will squeeze you when you have been gone a day.

If you are alone, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow; if you need to be happy, I’ll be your smile… But anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.

A best friend is someone you can tell your hopes and dreams and know they won’t laugh.

Sometimes your best friend understands you better than you understand yourself.

You’ll always be my best friend…You know too much.

Never walk away from sincere friends. When you see some faults, be patient and realize that nobody is perfect. It’s affection that matters, not perfection.

Those awkward days when your best friend isn’t at school and you feel like total loner.

She’s my best friend.
Break her heart and I’ll break your face.

You can always tell when two people are best friends because they are having more fun that it makes sense for them to be having.

A friend hands you an umbrella in the rain a really good friend takes yours and screams RUN GIRL RUN!

A ring is round it has no end that’s how long you will be my friend.

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.

A memory lasts forever, it never does die. True friends stay together and never say goodbye.

We are best friends. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up. After I finish laughing!

If you and a friends were fighting over a cookie, yor friend would give it to you…but a best friends would take the whole thing and say…haha! to slow loser!

A real friend is like having one more person in your family.

A good friend will help you up when you fall..
But a bet friend will help you up, laugh, and trip you again.

When you only have enough change for one soda, you usually split it, one half goes to one of you and the next to the other, but a really good friend will take the whole thing and drink it all and say “…Well my half was on the bottom!”

Together we happy, together we cry. Kept every single secret, covered every single lie. ’cause we’re best friends ’til the day we die.

Friends are for now, best friends are forever.

Guys will come and go but friends will leave foot prints in your heart…

A fake friend will be nice to you. A real friend will call you stupid.

A best friend is someone who will be there for you even if they live halfway across the country.

Anytime is the right time for a hug!

Friends are like rainbows…always there to cheer you up after a storm.

A true friend can see your tears pouring while others believe the smile you’re faking.

Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.
– Walter Winchell

Whats minnie without micky, whats tigger without pooh, whats me with out you? LOVE YA BABE!!!

A friend will ask you if you are okay but a best friend will listen and comfort you.

A true friend is someone who will stay on the phone when your upset and fall asleep with you.

True friends are those who make is hard not to love them.

Friendship is like war easy to start hard to stop impossible to forget.

You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend…but girl it sure would help!!

Friendship is like an apple tree the good friends are hard to get, just like the good apples on the very top of the tree, but first you have to get past the bad friends like the bad apples on the ground.
my friend told me this but I think I wrote it wrong.

A good friend knows all your best stories, a best friend has lived them with you.

Life is a party and friends are there to help us enjoy it
Best friends are like sisters God forgot to give us.

My friends and I are the type that if the house was on fire, we’d be making s’mores and hitting on the firemen.

A true friend is someone who’ll listen to the music you want or watch the movies you like even if they’re not her type just to make you happy.

Friends of the heart are friends forever.

Dont lose ur best friend over some

Best Friend: The one you can get mad at only for a short period because you have important stuff to tell them.

Really, all you need is your best friend, and fun just follows.

BFF its a promise not a label.[:

Stupid conversations always make sense when we are just talking with our best friend. <3<3

Bestfriends are the people you grow old with and race in wheel chairs in the nursing home.

A fake friend would stop being your friend for a boyfriend.
A real friend would leave their boyfriend for you.

Good friends will help you up when you fall, but best friends will look down at you and say, “Walk much, klutz?”

If you are afraid to look ahead and scared to look back, if you look to your side…your best friend will always be there!

Friends are like stars. They come and they go. But the ones that stay are the ones that GLOW!!!

Whoever said that friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend!

Ill pretend to hug you until you get here.

Boys stab you in the heart, friends stab you in the back, but best friends don’t carry knives.

A best friend is someone who knows what you deeply feel and sees the inner you! it’s someone who feels the way you do, and never run out over you no matter what! and someone who knows you can always count on!!!!

Strangers think I’m quiet.
My friends thing I’m outgoing.
My best friends know that I’m completely insane!

Friends will confort you after you break up with your boyfriend but best friends will smack him across the face and tell you that you are too good for him anyway.

If you fall..
I fall…
If you cry ..
I cry…
I feel the pain you have inside…
I’ll always be there for you
I love you best friend[:

A girl needs three things in her life:
1) Love: To make her weak
2) Alcohol: To make her strong
3) Best Friends: To pick her up when both make her hit the floor.

If you die, I’ll be the first one to miss you, but the last one to forget all of the memories we shared as best friends.

A friend might be a person to the world but to me they are the world.

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

A best friend is someone who won’t get bored with you or give up on you, but will be at your side no matter what!

A best friend is someone who helps you when you need it most.

If you smile while thinking about one person, that one person, becomes everything.

A real friend is like family, a friend is just a friend.

True friends are never separated by time or distance.

A best friend can sense when something is wrong, even if you haven’t spoken to them! And before you have a chance to text them, out of the blue they send you a text, that says sending you hugs! My best friend is amazing!

A true friend always tells you the truth, no matter how much it hurts you, even when it’s the last thing you want to hear.

A grandparents house is where cousins become best friends.

You will never know a true friend until you are in trouble. Your best friend will stand by you no matter what.

If you die before me, and your at those pearly gates, ask if you can bring a friend.

Best friend is someone who can understand you from your eyes before speaking.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I’ll never find a friend,
As amazing as you.

True friends help you by saying the truth…even if it hurts

A true friend is someone who will catch you if you fall, and lend a hand if you need it. They won’t laugh at you for your flaws but love you for who you really are inside.

True friends never let go of you no matter how times you try to ignore them.

Best friends are the people who love you, when you forget to love yourself.

A friend calls your parents mr and mrs but your best friend calls your parents mom and dad. that’s how close a best friend can get and yours are as good as they get!

In a garden
a boyfriend is a rose
a friend is a tulip
and a best friend is the annoying weed that’s always there.

It’s the friends you call at 4am that matter.

Boys are whenever
Friends are forever
when worst comes to worst
my girls always come first.

A true friend always remember your birthday when nobody does and gives you the best present you have never had.
A friend shows you the way, when a best friend give you a ride and company you all the way.

When some one hurts you and makes you cry a fake friend wouldn’t be concerned but a true friend would be like wheres my shovel I’m about to kill this sorry son of a b*tch.


Best friends are the ones who wipe the tears and hold your hand while everyone else just stands around asking what happened.

A best friend is a person who will always have your back whenever you need them.

Lots of your friends want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
– Oprah Winfrey

I promise that when we are old ladies we will be rippin up the old folks home in our hot pink wheel chairs : ]

Best friends are like diamonds the longer you keep them the more precious they are.

A best friend is someone who still wants to be your friend no matter what others might say about you.

Best friends are people who are close enough to hear you breathe, but only far away enough to catch you when you fall.

A friend is someone who would ask you if your okay when you fall. A best friend is someone who would laugh at you but at the same time feel your pain..because your best friend is always a part of you.

Best friends are like the white cream in an Oreo, always there to share in life’s sweetest and best parts.

Fake friends are like autumn leaves,
Found everywhere.
True friends are like diamonds,
Precious and rare.

A friend will ask you if you’re okay, a good friend will ask you what’s wrong, but your best friend will tell you what’s the problem.

A good friend sees the first tear, catches the second and stops the third

She is like the sister I never had… And the best friend I will always have:) and she knows that I do not need rhymes to tell her…

Friends sleep over once or twice on the weekends but best friends come over to your house monday after school with a suitcase and say I am home did ya miss me.

Your best friend is the one who will slap you in the face when she knows what you’re doing is wrong… My best friend did and she saved my life.

People that love you,
never make you cry,
want to help you,
when your hurting inside.
These are real friends
So keep them as long as you can

My best friend is the one who bring out the best in me.

You are not my friend neither my best friend, you are more than that, you are my sister.

The person you would like to watch a movie with is your best buddy.

My bestfriend is someone I would do anything for. She is one of those girls that you would die for. We may have our little fights over nothing but in the end we are the best of friends and always will be.

There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, and who never did and who always will.

You can tell if ur real or fake…
fake friends don’t really care..
but real friends wil always be there!

God made us sisters, but our hearts made us friends, and even through all the drama, we will be together until the end.

Best friends are people whom call you at midnight laughing about something that happened last year.

When you find out that you won’t be going to the same high school as your friends…your friend will give you a hug and say goodbye…but a true friend will get mad, sad, and say I want to talk your parents!

Bff’s are always there for you
Bff’s never forget about a friend
A real bff will always love you.

A true friend will stick up for you when everybody else is putting you down.

A real friend can name 25 good things about you without struggle.

My best friend is the only one who: laughs at the things I laugh at, cry at the things I cry at. To sum it all up my best friend is the only one who really knows and gets me.

If someone killed you I wouldn’t be at your funeral, I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you!

Best friends are like paper and glue. Sometimes they appear so different to the naked eye but once they connected together its a struggle to get them apart.

If you wanna cry, I’ll be your shoulder. If you wanna laugh, I’ll be your smile. If you wanna fly, I will be your sky, anything you need that’s what I’ll be, you can come to me.

A fake friend would say goodbye

A real friend would say see you soon.

Your best friend is like shadow, always there and always will be.

Friends don’t think of you as weird, friends think of you as just unique.

A true friend is one who shares the same enemies as you!

Your Worst Enemy Could Be Your Best Friend && Your Best Friend Your Worst Enemy.
– Bob Marley

A best friend is someone who will always stand beside you not in front of you or behind you.

A friend is someone who picks you up when you fall. But a Best Friend trips you then laughs!
This totaly tells the story of my friendship!

True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.

A friend is someone who will hold your hot dog when you ask them to.
A closer friend will take a bite of it and say it came like that.
And a best friend will take a bite out of it and say, “What ?. .. I was hungry!
To loose a best friend is like loosing everything.

She is the person who won’t hang up on you no matter what time you call. :-D

No one is perfect but you can be one with a friend
a friend in need is a friend indeed
a friend always listen and never say

Friends are ones who see you cry a best friend is the one with the soggy shoulder

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Hanging out day by day, we make our memories in our own little way .

A friend will take you to walmart to buy a pregnancy test but a best friend will stand out side the bathroom door screaming “Name it after me!”.

True friends share their real feelings to you even if it will hurt you along the way.

A best friend knows when you’re hurt and they’ll always be there to give you a hug and say “Whose a** am I kicking?”

A best friend rides in your car no matter how many times you nearly killed them.

When you get into a break up a FRIEND will say ohhh I feel so bad 4 u
a BFF will say I hate it when guys do that im gonna go up to him and see why he dumped you and make him get back with you.

A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. If not, they weren’t true friends in the first place.
– Sandy Ratliff

A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.

A simple friend asks for the food out of your fridge a true friend will get it herself and not feel the least bit weird about shutting the bottom drawer with her foot.

Best friends stick together no matter the weather forever and ever.

My best friend is the one who brings out the best of me.
– Henry Ford

Friends are the family you choose.
A best friend isn’t always just like you; a best friend is the key that unlocks your true self.

A true friend is someone that takes a bullet for you,
The one that made you happy when you were sad,
The one that let you have the umbrella while they got wet.

To me it seems if you give your heart to a boy, they always find a way to break it. But if you give your heart to your true friend, they will always be there to protect it from getting a single scratch.

Friends forever, never apart, maybe by distance, but never by heart…

You are my life, my soul, my future, I love you, don’t you ever forget that.

*Freinds asks why ur crying, a best freind already have the shovel ready to bury the loser that made you cry*

Friends will be there by your side
True friends willl be there till you die
enemies will annoy you till you go

A friend laughs at a stupid joke
A best friend says haha I don’t get it

Best friend is someone knows everything about you, knows the things that makes you happy, and knows the things that makes you mad.. I miss my bestfriend so muchh..

The best mirror in the world is an old friend.
– George Herbert

A good friend knows your stories but a best friend has spent them with you.

Frienship isnt whom youve known the longest its the one who came and never left your side

Best friends are the siblings that god forgot to give us.

Everytime you saw ur bestfriend with other and not approaching you anymore it hurts a lot..

A good friend will call you once or twice, while a best friend will troll your phone till they get hold of you because they’re just nice. (:

A friend is someone who you can tease, call you stupid and get away with it easily. A person who can laugh at your mistakes and makes fun of you but still chooses to stay by your side.

A girl that leaves her best friend for a guy makes the biggest mistake of her life.

“True friends are the ones you can only stay mad at for a few minutes because you have to tell them something really important”

A bestfriend knows what your going to say,
And makes fun of you before you say it.

Friends are kisses blown to us by angels!!!

Friendship is a hug, which you never want to let go of.

B*tch, please she’s my sister.

No matter how many times you and your best friend argue or have a fuss, you will always fix it and makeup a day later, even an hour later. Because you realize how important your best friend is to you and you can’t survive a second without them.

The time I spend with you is priceless and no one can give me that other than you, my best friend.

My best friend is someone I would walk through hell and back for. Me and her have our little fights over nothing but in the end we are the best of friends

Friends come and go, but best friends stay forever

You break her heart, I break your face.

A best friend is the person who, when you show up at their door with the body of your ex- boyfriend, they say nothing, grab a shovel, and follow you.

Best friend is the one who knows your secrets. :)

Things are never quite as scary when you have a best friend.
– Bill Watterson

When you trip and fall friends will help you up but best friends will be laughing so hard because thay r the ones that triped you

Best friends will laugh at you first before they help you.

Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say.

Best friends are like family and you can never say goodbye.

Without my best friend by my side, I’m nothing inside and out.:(

A true friend is someone who knows there’s something wrong even when you have the biggest smile on your face.

Fake friends: You see them once a day.
Real friends: You’re with them every second of the day.

The medicine of life is to have true faithful friends.

Real friends don’t need explanations, they were there with you!

A friend is almost never there when you need them.
A best friend is there when you need them all the time. <33

I wish friends were like money, so you can hold them up to the light to see which ones are real from the fakes.
– Jenna

A true friend is the one who will love you and never leave you alone crying.

There is a time where you stop being friends and you become sisters.

A Best Friend Not Only Shares There Bad Moments With You But The Moments That Make Life Woth While.

A friend is someone who is always standing by your side even when you’re wrong.

Good friends are like stars… You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.

True friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget!

You may be my best friend… But I’m still gonna laugh when you fall over!

If you live to be 100
I want to live to be 100 minus one day
So I never have to live without you.
– Winnie The Pooh

Friends will always be there in ur time of need but best friends will be there if ur in need or not

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

One who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.
– Jewish Saying

Hold a true friend with both your hands.
– Nigerian Proverb

There is nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.
– Hilaire Belloc

A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.

A true friend is someone who is never ashamed of you no matter what.

A friend tries to talk you out of doing something stupid! A best friend says hell lets do it dude!

“There’s no greater gift than friendship”

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
– Bernard Meltzer

A friend corrects you when you make a mistake, a best friend laughs at you when you make a mistake.
A friend asks if they can have something to eat, a best friend goes to your fridge and eats whatever they want.

Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it.
– Belgicia Howell

There will always be friends, who are just friends. But there is only one real forever best friend, that you will never lose. <3

My best friend is like my favorite bra.
Supportive, there when I need it, and way too hard to get rid of.

Only a few people see the pain behind your smiling face, those people are called: True friends.

A friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself.
– Jim Morrison

Fake friends will judge you on what you say and do.
Real friends will love you just the way you are.

A friend is a gift one give oneself.
– Robert Louis Stevenson

A best friend shares the good times and help you out by listening during the bad times.

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half cracked.
– Bernard Meltzer

A fake friend would knock on your and ask to come in, A real friend would just walk in and yell “I’m home, whats for dinner?”

Best friends are like pimples, they never go away!

When you find your best friend, it’s like finding the other half of you. :)

Best friends- always there for you when you are bored..answer every phone call..take you everywhere..there when you need them most..what could I do without my friends. Love you loads I’ll always be there for you.

Thick and thin, tall and small, fast and slow. Tell me who is always there for you. I am sure you know. Your best friend, of course, don’t let him or her go

A friend will always agree with you
A best friend won’t be afraid to tell their real opinion.

Best friends are like the air around you… Wherever you go or they go they’re always there no matter if there is a disaster like hurricane or earthquake… They’re standing right there beside you through thick and thin.

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walk out.
– Walter Winchell

A good friend will borrow you money,
A best friend is the reason you got no money.

Some people make you laugh a little louder, make your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better.
We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.
True friends are very difficult to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget.

Friends are stars that make your life sparkle

A best friend can tell you things you don’t want to tell yourself.

A friend is someone who is always there to help you

When you look around and your world is crumbling or when you think no one loves you, your best friend is the one to run to you.

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.
– Sicilian Proverb

A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us to be what we should.

A best friend won’t take advantage of your friendship.

A best friend is the who brings a smile on your face when you’re low.

True friends are very difficult to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget.

A friend will visit you in jail, a best friend will blow up the wall and yell “Get in the car!”

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
– Anais Nin

A friend will walk away after a fight, but a true friend will use up all of her phone minutes to apologize

That awkward moment when you feel you and your best friend are not best friends no more. :/

A friend says one thing to you and says something bad about you later but a best friend tells you to your face what’s wrong.

A best friend is that friend who is bold enough to ask you that one question which is difficult to answer.

You know you have a best friend when you are laughing at the same things when you are in two separate rooms.

BEsT fRiEnDs 3
like a never ending story, or a never ending road, just only wish they could stay forver

A best friend will be your friend through thick and thin, no matter how you look like. They will love you for who you are, the only thing they will ever expect from you, is for you to be you.

A best friend will always help up you once he’s finished laughing his butt off.

It takes a long time to grow an old friend.
– John Leonard

If you bumped your head and lost your memory, you’re best friend will be the one sitting day and night just determined to teach you your abc’s again.

A friend is someone who cares about you and knows what is best for you a friend is someone who will never leave you alone in the rain even if your crying a friend is someone who keeps all the notes you two have written and a friend is someone who never forgets to call you his or her friend

A best friend will always listen to your good and bad stories even if they heard it a million times…yet each time they give you a new advice.

A good friend will be there for you when he breaks up with you, a BEST friend will call him up whispering “7 days…”

My best friend once said “I would never replace you as my best friend.” when I asked why, I expected an answer like “I Adore You” or “You’re an amazing friend” but instead his answer was “It would be impossible to.”

A friend will say “We’re best friends!” a true best friend will say “We’re sisters with different last names.”

If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t jump with them, I’d be at the bottom to catch them.

The reason we’re not sisters, is because our parents couldn’t handle us if we were sisters.

I’ve read three pages of these and tears are in my eyes, not because they are sad but because they are true. My best friend does walk in my door and says I’m home. These are all true. Best friends send these back and forth.

100 tears, 200 fotos, 300 ‘have to be there’ moments, 400 laughs, 500 great times. 1 reason-

Best friends are like bras. You know it is the one when it supports you no matter what and it fits your personality. It’s also always close to your heart.

A good friend is someone who say’s that they are there for you when you are down but.. A best friend will run out of credit just to listen to you cry and complain .!

A friend will never tell you something you don’t want to hear.
A best friend will be brutally honest with you if they know that that’s what best for you.

A best friend is the one who is willing to give you every single drop of happiness in her/his heart and soul to see your smile when you are unhappy.

In the end when you’re looking back at all the good and bad times you’ve had with your best friend …you’ll know it was all worth it.

My best friend is my everything.

When you ask if those pants make your butt look big, a friend would say “No you look great” but a best friend would start singing “I like big butts and I cannot lie.”

When you’re ill, a friend will look after you, a best friend will come around with chocolate and fill you in with the gossip you’ve missed from school.:- )

Waters may dry. Flowers may die. But true friends never say goodbye.

A best friend, you’ll fight with but never stay mad at.

Friends will visit you in Jail.
Good friends will bail you out.
Great friends with tell you you’re an amazing criminal.
But best friends will be sitting in the cell beside you planning your next grand theft auto.

When it hurts to look back and you’re scared to look ahead you can just look beside you and your best friend will be there.

Good friends won’t let you do stupid things, but real friends won’t let you do it by urself

A best friend is the one who loves you unconditionally, selflessly! They are the ones who you can love the most in this world.

A best friend isn’t one who listens, it’s one who speaks when you can’t.

A good friend keeps your secrets for you. A best friend helps you keep your own secrets.
– Lauren Oliver

Me and my best friend are closer than sisters, no words can describe us.

A friend will cry when you die. A good friend will cry at your funeral. A best friend will change your Facebook status to “Chilling with Jesus”.

A best friend is someone who is always there for you, the person who helps you at any time regardless of location.
A best friend is someone who is always by your side to look after you.
A best friend is the one who gives you your help without expecting anything in return.

The day you are murdered, your friend will be helping to arrange the funeral while your best friend will be in jail for killing the person who killed you.

A true friend is someone you can tell your problems and secrets to and know they won’t go running off and tell other people.

A real friend is someone you can trust, but a best friend is someone you can always count on.

A best friend is like a good bra, supportive, hard to find, and always close to your heart.

Best friends: Not even Kodak could capture all those crazy memories.

I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends, I’m surrounded by angels but I call them friends.

Many people will walk in and out of your life but true friends will leave footprints on your heart.

Fake Friends come & go. True friends will stay, that’s how you know.

A friend is someone that you can sit on a porch with, not say a word and then walk away feeling as though it was the best conversation you’ve ever had

A best friend is someone who you can rely on anytime no matter what.

Take nothing but PHOTOS, Leave nothing but FOOTPRINTS, & keep nothing but MEMORIES.
Best friends??? Yeah, I guess but more like…SISTERS!
Best friends are like clouds. You point them out because there special.

I sat outside looking at the the sky, naming a memory of our friendship for each star…i ran out of stars.
If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I’ll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.

You don’t have to be an actor to get the role of being a friend.

Best friends understand when you say forget it. Wait forever when you say just a minute. Stay when you say leave me alone. And open the door before you can say come in.

A best friend is like your diary…you can tell him anything, and it’s sealed with lock and key.

When you find your best friend, it’s like finding the other half of you.

Losing your best friend is like losing half of your heart. </3

A real friend will answer your call @ 3 in the morning n hear you cry n give you advice n tell you don’t worry that’s why I’m here. I love you best friend.

I don’t care if it’s 4 am, you’re my best friend and ill take care of you.

My best friend is the one who brings the best out of me.

I saw and thought you were crazy…I met you and I still thought you were crazy…You became my best friend and now I’m crazy too. (:

Friends know your last name, but best friends know your middle name.

You get in fights with friends. With best friends you only get in hardcore discussions… That may or not result in hitting.:)
A best friend is someone you can hit and not feel bad about it.
You ask a friend to tell them their secret. You look into a best friends eyes and you know theirs.

A best friend still rides in your car no matter how many times you nearly killed them!

Those who break the rules are scum, those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.

Good friends are like apples on a tree. The best ones are always hard to find and the rotten ones are the first ones to find. So don’t go picking the first apple take a look around to see the best apple.

A best friend is someone you do everything with and never get bored. Love my best friends cay and shanz.

Friends will be there when you need them but best friends will always be there to make sure you don’t need a “Friend”.

Me without you is like a geek with no braces, a shoe with no laces and aSentenceWithNoSpaces.

Dont ever forget that your best friends will always be beside you,
when your crying over a boy,
when you got into a fight,
even when you just have to be with them.

Best Friends Are To Keep Always. Never Let Them Go. Or You Will Regret It Till The Day You Die.

Friends last for a life time
but best friends never end

A best friend is someone who will talk bad about your ex- boyfriend’s new girlfriend, even if she doesn’t think those things about her, just to make you feel better about yourself.

Friends buy you lunch, best friends eat yours.:)

A good friend will stand behind you in a fight.
A best friend will be standing in front of you ready to knock the girl out.
A good friend will be willing to cry it out.
A best friend will slap you and say “Toughen up”.

Friends will be there to comfort you after he breaks up with you.
But best friends will be the one on the phone at 3AM making chicken noises into the phone.

After getting into a fight with your friend you stop being friend.
after getting into a fight with your BESTFRIEND you get even closer.
i love you chrissy and ashlyn.

Best friend is like a shadow that you know is there with you forever!

For your birthday, a friend shows up with an expensive cool gift; while a real friend shows up with a hug.

A best friend is someone you always need, if you aren’t with them it’s just not the same.

Friends say go do it, Best friends say LETS GO DO IT :)

Friends are flowers that grow in the garden of life, first it starts as a seed, then grows into a friendship.

People say family stays and friends come and go but they’re just friends, you have plenty of them but a best friend is one of those people who come to your family reunions and family diners and are there to stay for good.:)

Best friends is not always about stopping each other from making mistakes but it’s always about being there after the mistake.

Best Friends…they are the ones who beat up the boys that break your heart.

Friends welcome, relatives by appointment.

A best friend is someone who can make you laugh, while you are crying.

Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say.

Good friends console you when you forget your swimsuit at a pool party. Best friends push you in anyways.

You know that someone is your true friend when they tell you that your sweater is ugly.

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts your today!

A friend is not only someone who will die with you but for you. And if you don’t make into heaven when you die a best friend is someone who will turn it down for you.

A friend helps you up when you fall, a best friend laughs and trips you again.

When you are struggling or going through something hard a friend will tell you its gonna be alright but a true friend will be with you and make sure you are alright.

Best friends are the ones that are always by your side they never leave you and they say your the best a false friend won’t be with you during the times your at school she will always be with you everywhere you go and she won’t go with anybody else excpet for you that’s your true friend =]

A best friend will only make you cry by making you laugh too hard.

A best friend is the sister God forgot to give you.

The best mirror in the world is an old friend.

Today…tomorrow…and FOREVER…friends are ALWAYS there!!!:- )

One’s best friend is oneself.

A true friend is like a flower.
They start as a seed and grow into a flower that fills your world.

Best friends are like pillows…always there to rest your head on.

A true friend is better than gold.

True friends are extremely hard to find.. In life you’ll be lucky to find at least one and i’ve got mine she was hard to find, shes lucky to have, but now im scared to loose her..
she promised me its forever.. I hope she keeps her promises

When somebody asks you “How are you?” and you say “I am fine”. A best friend will look into your eyes and say “Tell me truth”.

Good friends will help you up when you fall ..but best friends will be standing there looking down at you and saying did you have a nice trip?

A fake friend is someone who won’t drink with you on a Friday night, but a true friend will be right beside you saying pass me another beer.

It’s not important if you don’t have many friends but it’s much more important if you have a true friend.

I used to be normal till I met that loser whom now I call my best friend.

Friends are the ones who stay together but best friends are the ones who grow together.

It is easy to love someone, tough to be friend and toughest to remain friend forever.

Best friends are made when you are kids, and those best friends are the ones who let you be that kid when you are older.

A good friend will talk to you about your problems but a best friend will help you solve them.

Friends of the heart are friends forever

My best friend can stab me in the back whenever she wants to.. It’s the fact that she chooses not to that counts.

God gave family to love but he gave friends to adore

True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side.

A friend asks to come over, but a real friend shows up uninvited with a gift.

A friend will stay on the phone when your upset but a real friend will run to blocks just to hold your hand.

Always remember that every good friend was once a stranger

True friends will not put you down in front of other people.

Friendship is one mind in two bodies.

A good friend lends you a dollar, a best friend steals your wallet.

A good friend will be there for you when you cry, But a best friend will have a wet shoulder because of it.

A true friend is the one who will tell you about the spinach in your teeth

Me without you?!?
Are you kidding.?
That’s like a Fat Kid
Passing up a Happy meal.!?

A true friend will support your decision as long as it makes you happy and even if it ends in hurt they will be there to pick you up, they won’t ever say I told you so.

A true friend can see your tears pouring, while other believe the smile you’re faking.

Friends call you by your real name.
True friends call you by a crazy made up name that only a true friend would laugh at.

There is nothing you can say or do that will make you less than my BEST FRIEND.

A true friend will tell you things that you don’t want to, but need to hear.
When I prayed for a friend, I never dreamed I’d get some one as wonderful as you!
When I read all these friendship quotes, I think of you!

True best friends are like chopsticks; without one, they can’t work.
– Sasha Smith

Parents get you started in life, but best friend’s get you through it.

Good friends laugh nervously at your dumbest jokes, Best friends will look at you and say “Really?”

Friends listen to what you say…best friends listen to what you don’t say.

Friends are people that ask about the crazy times. Best friends are the people who were there with you during the crazy times.

A friend will ask to go into your bedroom, and ask where to put hisher stuff, a friend will walk right into your room, put her stuff on the ground (right in front of your door) and lay on your bed.
Love you Emily.

Friends Are People You Feel Comfortable Around.
Best Friends Are People You Can Be Yourself With.

Your friends will stick with you by your side, but boys will break your heart and make you cry.

Real friends wouldn’t care if you found new friends but a best friend would love it they would like to see their best friend happy.

True friends will always be there when you’re in trouble.

Your friends will help you with your homework but your best friends will do it all for you and get everything wrong on purpose.

Smiles and tears, Giggle and laughs, Late night calls and photographs I’ll be there for you until the day of my death, Best friends forever until my very last breath.

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.

A friend is someone who has seen you in your worst, but still sees the best in you.;)
ily for being there maggie.(:

I say the wrong word, but yet you always know what I mean.

A best friend is someone who never leaves know matter how hard you punch them.

Boys come and go but friends stick with you until the end.
True friends will support you even when your ideas are stupid.

Everyone hears what you say, your friends listen to what you say, your best friends understand what you don’t say.

When besties are together then there is no need to someone else.

A true friend is always and forever.

A true friend isn’t the one who helps you the most, but helps you when you need it the most.

Friendship is like a rose without a thorn.

A true friend realizes something about you that even you have no idea about.

There is Nothing More Fun Than Being With Your Best Friend.

Best friends are those who stay by your side…
Even if it means staying after school in the dark hallways, trying to open up your lockers.

Best friends are whose who are always there to help each other and you are one of them thanks you for being such a good friend!!!!

Friends come and go, but there’s always one you’re stuck with for life.

A best friend is someone who will always be there for you, unless they’re busy, but they’ll definitely text you back.

True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes.

A best friend is someone, who makes your life worth living, who always cheers you up when you are unhappy, and who you have great memories with.

A true friend smiles… And means it

A best friend can stab you at the back for the right reasons but always knows how to say sorry and accept the consequences. Forgiveness will take long but a friend can wait.

One of my best friends is moving far away soon and I don’t know what to do!
im so sad about it and im going to miss her so much. But I don’t want to talk about it with her and make her even sadder about everything.
what do you think I should do?

A friend will hold out a hand when you are on the ground, but, a best friend will hold it out once you have already stood up!:- )

I can’t say I’ll be your best friend forever because I won’t live that long, but I’ll be your best friend until the day I die.

A best friend is a person you can depend on.

A best mate hears one word and understands two.

A best friend will tell you the painful truth.

A true friend won’t leave you no matter what you put them through.

When you’re crying, a friends first question is “Are you okay?” and walks away if you say, “Just something in my eye. ”
A best friend will slap you on the back and says “Get over it” and takes you to the movies.

A good friend lends you a dollar, a best friend steals your wallet.

When we are old and crippled, we will still take pictures every time we hang out and post them on Facebook!
When we are wrinkly and old we will still go to the men’s department in stores and hit on random guys!

Dear best friend, you’re weird. You’re stupid. I’m like that too. I guess that’s why we are so perfect together. Thanks for always being there for me. You’re like a sister to me. I love you.

A good friend will ask for the phone, while a best friend will fish it out of your bag and assume it’s hers.

Friends are like chocolate!
Sure, you could live without them, but you’d be living your life totally incomplete.

A good flashlight = 25 dollars
Running through the woods in the dark with your best friend holding hands and screaming because you’re scared= PRICELESS:)

Even on those days I feel like hiding and crawling into a hole. You still drag me out always knowing how to ruin a good bad mood.

A friend is ur reflection mirror that you can see in the abscence of the mirror.

A best friend is someone who knows all your secrets, and still hangs out with you.

A friend will say, “Stop being so stupid, ” but I will say, “Oh you stupid retard let me join you!”
A friend will laugh from behind you while your skipping and making a fool of yourself but I fling my arm around your shoulder and we’ll skip together like drunken idiots!

If you go through life with all the fame and fortune in the world, you won’t be as happy as you would be if you had a best friend to share it all with.

We go down we go down together, because best friends means best friends forever(:

A best friend is the one to tell you when you are wrong when others think that you are always right.

Friends look at you with adoration, but best friends have a look that is constantly annoying that you would die without.

A friend is some one you run to
cry to
whine to
and depend on!
They’re always there.

Best friends are like the filling of your sandwich and friends are like the crust you never eat.

A good friend is the one to say that she is sorry if you are having a bad day…but a true friend is the one who actually does something to make it better!

I used to be normal…then I ran into you…who I call…my Best Friend!!!

A best friend is the one who sticks with you through thick and thin. For richer or poorer, till death do you part.

Best friends share openly, laugh often, trust always, and care deeply.

Your best friend will never judge you.

Our friendship won’t suffer the distance my dear
no matter how far, I will always be near.

Even if I wanted to get rid of you I couldn’t. And why would I?

A friend is someone that can never leave your side and is always there for you. A friend is one you can trust and hold onto forever and can never forget!!

An enemy takes out your heart and burns it, a friend takes your heart, hides it and forgets over time while a best friend takes your heart, hides it in a box and shields it with there own.

A true friend sees the good in everything and brings out the best in the worst of things.

Best friends are the ones where you can share a look and burst out laughing, yelling out an inside joke.

A friend is someone who you know you can tell your secrets too, but a best friend is someone who you can tell everything to.

A true friend will let you sleep over when your parents kick you out.

A friend will help you up when you trip and fall on the ground. A best friend will jump on top of you and yell “Dog pile!”.

Many people walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave foot prints in your heart

A frind is always some one that will never walk out when you walk in

A best friend shares your pain, is mad at you when you make wrong decisions but laughs when all is well.

When you have something on your face a friend would tell you but a best friend would laugh like the rest.

A best friend is someone you can totally act yourself around.

Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo but its those that ride the bus with you that matter

A best friend is the one who is there at the end of the ride holding a barf bag, with a big smile on their face. (:

Best Friends are like balloons… You never let go of them.

A friend will add you on Facebook, but one day will remove you. But a best friend will never remove you even if they have not seen you in years.

You know who is your best friend is when the whole school is talking about your drunken kiss with Jason,
and she’s talking about the price of salami in China.

A true friend would watch you fall and help you up… As soon as they’re done laughing.

When you have those moments that you have with no one else you call them your true friend.
What kind of friend sees what you see. Thinks what you think. Hates what you hate. Wishes what you wish. Loves what you love. And feels what you feel?..your true friend.

You may be there for your friends but are your friends there for you? The most important part is to be there for eachother and why have a friend if they are just there to talk to and then they tell everyone all your secrets!

A best friend is when she/he can talk and look into your eyes. He/she can make you happy without trying to.When he/she knows everything about you and your life and doesn’t judge or tell anyone. When they know your in trouble and try to help you. You can only find one in this lifetime.

The love of a friend is to just care about you a little, but the love of a best friend is when they will do anything for you and all they want is your happiness, even if you aren’t a part of it.

Best friends are the ones who look at you and know exactly what you’re thinking. Best friends are the ones who can go into your house and call your parents mom and dad. Best friends are your pillow at a sleepover. Best friends are the ones who will cover for you whenever need be. Best friends are also known as soul sisters.

A best friend is one who follows you everywhere and is always caring and kind to you.

Friends are easy to find, but best friends aren’t.

Me, Without You? Are You For Real? That’s Like A Fat Kid Passing Up A Happy Meal!

If you cry, I cry…You laugh, I laugh…You jump of a cliff, I’ll really miss your emails.

You are such an important part of my life you are my companion my confidant mt best friend

When you fall, a friend will help you up and say “are you okay?” but a best friend will walk by and say “walk much loser?”

To me a best friend is someone that every moment you spend together you can some how make a memory. Best friends do fight but will never let each other down no matter what.

A friend is someone who you enjoy being around but a Best friend is someone who you scream at and you annoy. You don’t realize how much they mean unless they’re not there anymore.

A friend will help you up when you fall, but a true friend will push you back down laughing.

A friend is someone who doesnt know how you feel but will sit with you until you feel better.

True friends are the ones who will stand by you even when you’re wrong.

If you and a friend were fighting over a cookie,
A friend would split it in half and share it.
A best friend would snatch it and shove the whole thing in their mouth!

Best Friends- friends that don’t care to act crazy out in public and don’t care who see’s.& when your heart is riped open your girl is there to put a band- aid over it to make it feel better :)

A true friend is the one who can discriminatethe tears of happiness and sadness…

To live I need heartbeat, to have a heart beat I need a heart, to have a heart I need happiness, to have happiness I need you my friend.
This quote is to my best best friends Akshya, Fahima and Rebecca Ann.

Friendship can start in childhood and follow you all through life.

Best friend is a friend that we can trust and keep our secret with.
Best friend is also the one who loves us like a sister/brother.

You can forget everything in your life, but never forget your true friends.

I remember when my best friend was shy and quiet, I created a monster.

Your true self is reflected from your best friends, because best friends form as one in two bodies.

Men kick friendship around like a football and it doesn’t scratch.
Women treat it like glass and it still shatters.
This is true in my eyes.

A true friend will accept you for whats on the inside not what’s on the outside.

A real friend can’t go ahead of or following you..real friends go side by side.

Friends will be around, best friends will be there for you, true friends will be there with you, but only the sister that you never had or the friend you call your sister will stick with you forever, no matter what happens.

When you put up a shield to block out the rest of the world a friend is someone who will sit with you and rub your back but a true friend is someone who will put up a shield and block everyone else out as well just sot hat you aren’t alone.

It’s the times we’re so crazy that people think we’re high, it’s the times we laugh so hard we can’t help but cry it’s all the inside jokes and “remember whens” those are all the reasons that we’re best friends.

A good friend can only see if you are happy.a true friend can see your happy but know your crushed on the inside.

Friends are the people in this world that make us appreciate what life has to offer.

If your my friend I’ll listen.
If your my best friend I’ll listen and do something about it.

With best friends; it won’t matter how promises have been broken. How many times you’ve been over. What matters is who said, I’ll be there for you- and proved it.

A friend will be follow you, but it takes a true friend to stand by you

A best friend is someone who knows how to turn a bad day into a good one, with just a single text.

A needle in the grass is easier to find than a true and faithful friend.

When a best friend moves across the country… Buy more unlimited texting .

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