Chess Quotes | Sayings for Chess Enthusiasts

Life is like a chess game. Every decision, just like every move, has consequences. Therefore, decide wisely!

Life is like a game of chess, changing with each move.

Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.
– Blaise Pascal

The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.
– Tartakover

Play the opening like a book, the middle game like a magician, and the endgame like a machine.
– Spielmann

Chess is as much a mystery as women
– Purdy

One bad move nullifies Forty good ones.
– Israel Albert Horowitz

In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.
– Isaac Asimov

Of chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that is the fault of life, not chess.
– William Napier

Chess is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever when they are only wasting their time.
– George Bernard Shaw

The King is a fighting Piece. Use it!
– Wilhelm Steinitz

When you see a good move, look for a better one.
– Emanuel Lasker

When your house is on fire, you can’t be bothered with the neighbors. Or, as we say in chess, if your King is under attack, don’t worry about losing a pawn on the queen side.

Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy.
– Tarrasch

You cannot play at chess if you are kind-hearted.
– French Proverb

Those who think that it is easy to play chess are mistaken. During a game a player lives on his nerves, and at the same time he must be perfectly composed.
– Victor Kortchnoi

Chess is ruthless: you’ve got to be prepared to kill people.
– Nigel Short

Chess is 99 percent tactics.
– Teichmann

Chess is the Art of Analysis.
– Champion Mikhail Botvinnik

Even the laziest king flees wildly in the face of a double check.
– Aron Nimzowitsch

Strategy requires Thought; Tactics require Observation.
– Champion Max Euwe

Chess is too difficult to be a game and not serious enough to be a science or an art.
– Napoleon Bonaparte

Chess is the art which expresses the science of logic.
– Mikhail Botvinnik

Not all Artists may be Chess players, but all Chess players are Artists.
– Marcel Duchamp

Attackers may sometimes regret bad moves, but it is much worse to forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass you by.

The pawns are the soul of chess.
– Philidor

The beauty of a move lies not in its appearance but in the thought behind it.
– Aaron Nimzowitsch

Many have become chess masters; no one has become the master of chess.
– Siegbert Tarrasch

Chess is in its essence a game, in its form an art, and in its execution a science.

Chess is really 99 percent calculation
– Soltis

Chess is war over the board. The object is to crush the opponent’s mind.
– Bobby Fischer

Chess is a sport. The main object in the game of chess remains the achievement of victory.
– Max Euwe

Chess is a very logical game and it is the man who can reason most logically and profoundly in it that ought to win.
– Jose Capablanca

Every chess master was once a beginner.
– Chernev

Life’s too short for chess.
– Henry James Byron

Chess is so inspiring that I do not believe a good player is capable of having an evil thought during the game.
– Wilhelm Steinitz

Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe
– Indian proverb

A lifetime in not enough to learn everything about chess.
– Alexander Alekhine

No price is too great for the scalp of the enemy King.
– Koblentz

Chess is everything – art, science, and sport.
– Karpov

A chess game is divided into three stages: the first, when you hope you have the advantage, the second when you believe you have an advantage, and the third… when you know you’re going to lose!
– Tartakower

Chess is life
– Bobby Fischer

Chess is like a language. The top players are very fluent at it. Talent can be developed scientifically, but you have to find first what you are good at.
– Viswanathan Anand

When the chess game is over, the pawn and the king go back to the same box
– Etienne Goldstein

Chess is a beautiful mistress.
– Larsen

The essence of chess is thinking about what chess is.
– David Bronstein

In chess, as it is played by masters, chance is practically eliminated.
– Emanuel Lasker

A chess player uses his/her knowledge to prepare for next game while a passionate coach prepares for next generation!

Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders
– Savielly Tartakower

Chess is a matter of daily training.
– Vladimir Kramnik

The most powerful weapon in Chess is to have the next move.
– GM David Bronstein

All that matters on the chessboard is good moves.
– Bobby Fischer

All I want to do, ever, is to play chess.
– Bobby Fischer

Ultimately, what separates a Winner from a Loser at the Grandmaster level is the Willingness to do the Unthinkable.
– Garry Kasparov

Chess is not a game but a disease.
– Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman

Chess and theatre often lead to madness.
– Arrabal

When you have a Winning position, K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid).
– Michael Aigner

Chess makes man wiser and clear-sighted.
– Vladimir Putin

Chess is a cure for headaches.
– John Maynard Keynes

Chess is not for the timid.
– Irving Chernev

The best indicator of a Chess Player’s form is his ability to sense the Climax of the game.
– Boris Spassky

Chess strength in general and chess strength in a specific match are by no means one and the same thing.

I spend hours playing chess because I find it so much fun. The day it stops being fun is the day I give it up.
– Magnus Carlsen

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