Life Quotes and Sayings | Phrases About Life | Lifestyle Quotes - Page 7

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
– Confucius


Its better to fail in doing something,than to excel in doing nothing


Live beautifully and dream passionately.


To balance and control your emotions is one of the most important things in life. Positive emotions enhance your life. Negative emotions sabotage your life.
– Dr T.P.Chia


Life has no brakes. All you can do is steer, and enjoy the scenery.


Your life is a result of the choices you make… If you don’t like your life it is time to start making better choices.


My teacher told me to write down what I wanted to be when I’m grow up. I wrote down “happy”. When I showed it to her, she told me I didn’t understand the assignment. I told her she doesn’t understand life.


Life is like an ice cream enjoy it before it melts.


Have no pity in those who complain about how hard their lives are but have faith in those who have fallen into a pit full of nails but still found a way to pick themselves up off the ground, climb out of the pit and made the best of it all.


Is life fair? Short answer, no. Long answer, Nooooooo.


In life, we have to make decisions that aren’t easy..We’re afraid that whatever choice we make will upset someone we is at these times that we need to look inside and listen to the voice that is inside us..If we listen just to the wishes of those around us and ignore our own feelings, we will not be truly happy..Listen to what you know is right and stand on that, because when you do you will be happy..


Life is better when you stop caring too much.


Your destiny or fate is determined by your choices and actions. If you do not control and shape your destiny or fate, your future will be determined by what will happen.
– Dr T.P.Chia


You’re not going to always say and do the right things, and that’s fine. You’re not here to be perfect, but to be real.


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
– Helen Keller


8 Rules to a better life
1. Never Hate
2. Don’t worry
3. Live simply
4. Expect a little
5. Give a lot
6. Always smile
7. Live with love.
8. Best of all, Be with God


Many things in life will catch your eye…few will catch your heart …pursue those.


Life its about learning how to stand up when you fall it doesn’t matter how do you fall. What matters the most is how you stand up and overcome what life puts on your way.


Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.
– Steven Wright


Accept your past without regrets, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear.


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