Can I tell you a story? Well, then the story begins where there was this unique little girl that was happy and full of life. So many have thought but if you looked deep into her eyes you see that there is so much darkness so much sadness and so much anger in her eyes. The reason behind all of her emotions was that no one really understood her and she was bullied each and everyday.

One day the unique girl’s parents thought it would be best to switch school and so she did but when she switched one of the guys that bullied her returned to her and she was filled with anger that she took it out on him and hurt him dearly.

Over the years her anger grew more and more each day and the unique little girl became what she hated most of all a bully herself. Many people were scared of her and many asked her why she was doing it. Her response was “I don’t know I just felt like it”. But the truth was the unique girl was hiding a huge part of her life from the ones she cared for she had her problems and she didn’t know how to handle them so she took it out on others but one day she got tired of being angry all the time it took up to much energy she finally understood that she has to forgive the people that bullied her because she was asking the same from the people she hurt.

She is still hurting but now she learned to control her anger so that she doesn’t blow up in peoples faces. She has her own little group of unique friends that helps her get through what life may come at her.

Submitted by: punk rocker chic the unspoken girl

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