Cheerleaders ROCK…Cuz they know how to ROLL


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  • Cheerleaders rock the world and rule the sidelines!
  • Cheerleading is the life, and life is cheerleading, anything less would be second rate, and...
  • Without cheerleading, it’s just a game.
  • You’re never without friends if you are a cheerleader.
  • A cheerleader is a dreamer that never gives up.
  • If cheerleaders are so easy, why aren’t you with one?
  • There is no halftime for cheerleaders!
  • Cheerleading is more than a sport; it’s an attitude.
  • Cheerleaders are angels – we’re the only humans who can fly.
  • I’m not a cheerleader. I’m an athletic supporter.
  • Athletic by nature but cheerleader by choice.
  • A game without cheerleaders is a world without spirit.
  • A squad is only as strong as it’s weakest cheerleader.
  • Without a conductor there is no orchestra. Without Cheerleaders it’s only a game
  • There are two types of people in this world: cheerleaders, and those who wish they...

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